
Webcam using NodeJs, ExpressJs, ReactJs, MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Webcam is a camera-based authentication app. This application aims to capture images intermittently running between an online exam/test/evaluation. You may notice this application's importance while you're taking the Hackerrank online competency test.

This is a basic webcam image capture application. This is how the application works

  • The camera will open when the application loading done
  • After 5 seconds of camera initialization, an image will be captured and sent to the DB
  • Successful image capture, you can redirect your preferred page.
flowchart TD
    A[Application run] --> B{Camera Open?}
  B -- Yes --> W[Waiting for user permission]
  W --> C{Image Capture?}
  C -- Yes --> F[API Service]
  F --> G[Database]
  F --> H[Display captured image/Redirect custom page]
  G --> F
  C -- No --->E[Show Error Message]
  B -- No ----> E[Show Error Message]

Technology used for this application

  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • ReactJs
  • MongoDB

Implemented API

Api Description
/new-upload Upload capture image to the remote server
/getfiles Fetch all the captured images

Installation and Usages

Clone this repository and there you will find the API directory too

API installation and usages

  • Go to the API directory
  • Install dependency package npm install
  • Provide MongoDB URI and PORT
  • Run API npm start

Frontend installation and usages

  • Install dependency package npm install
  • Run API npm start


Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 12 28 08 PM