
Parser combinator library for crystal programming language.

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT

haydari (WIP)

Parser combinator library for crystal-lang,


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: umurgdk/haydari


  • Support IO as ParserInput


Parser combinators make easy to build complex parsers without dealing with so much hassle. Instead of trying to build one big monolithic parser, making small and composeable parsers and combining them together is way of writing parsers in parser combinators. Haydari gives you smallest parsers like parse a character, parse a whitespace, etc. and tons of combinators like many, not, then to give them a meaning.

1. Creating a parser

Let's start writing with simplest parser. Our parser going to read one space character and done.

# samples/tutorial/1-char.cr
require "haydari"

class MyParser
    include Haydari

    defparser space, Char do
        char(' ')

my_parser = MyParser.new.space
my_parser.run("       ")
puts "'#{my_parser.output}'" # prints a space character => ' '

Here defparser takes a name and a type of the value we're going to parse. Since we're using char parser it results in char value. As you can see calling space method is not running the parser, instead it builds a parser instance to run later on.

But why we get only one space character even we pass a string which has more than one space characters? char parser reads a character from it's input and then success or fail. char parser don't know anything about how many times it should try to parse or what to do next. But combinators does. There are lots of combinators builtin Haydari but most known one is called many. many takes a parser and tries to run that parser until it fails. Let's parse multiple space characters.

# samples/tutorial/2-many-chars.cr

# notice Array(Char)
defparser space, Array(Char) do
    many char(' ')

Now if we run our parser again output will be '[' ', ' ', ' ']'. First thing you should notice our parser's type is changed to Array(Char). This is result of many combinator. many combinator takes a parser and run that parser until it fails and collect all the results. Because of that its value going to be array of values. You may expect many char(' ') to be resulted in String, but that's not true. Since many combinator could take any kind of parser, the parser you gave may not result into character.

2. Parsing comma separated array of strings


JSON Parser

require "haydari"

class JSONParser
    include Haydari

    alias JValue   = String | Int32 | Bool | Nil | Array(JValue) | Hash(String, JValue)
    alias KeyValue = {String, JValue}

    defparser string_lit, String do
        string("\"") >> none_of("\"\n").many.text << string("\"")

    defparser bool_lit, Bool do
        string("true").return(true) | string("false").return(false)

    defparser contents, JValue do
        string_lit | array_lit | object_lit | bool_lit | number

    defparser comma, String do
        ws.many >> string(",") << ws.many

    defparser array_lit, Array(JValue) do
        string("[") >> ws.many >> contents.sep(comma) << ws.many << string("]")

    defparser key_value, KeyValue do
        string_lit.then { |key|
            ws.many >> string(":") >> ws.many >> contents.select { |value|
                {key, value}

    defparser object_lit, Hash(String, JValue) do
        string("{") >> ws.many >> key_value.sep(comma).select { |kvs|
            hash = Hash(String, JValue).new
            kvs.each do |kv|
                hash[kv[0]] = kv[1]
        } << ws.many << string("}")

    def run(input)
        puts typeof(object_lit)
        parser = object_lit
        if parser.run(input)
            raise "Failed!"

json_parser = JSONParser.new
hash = json_parser.run("{\"hello\" : \"world\", \"arr\":\n [1, 2, 3, true, {\"sub\"   : \"gell\"}]}")
puts hash.inspect


TODO: Write development instructions here


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/umurgdk/haydari/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
