
A Quasar Framework app with Vue and FeathersJS full-stack app with authentication and email support implemented with mobile first in mind.

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QuasarCordovaApp (fullstack mobile first app)

A Quasar Framework app with Vue 2 and FeathersJS 4 fullstack app with authentication and email support implemented with mobile first in mind.


This project uses Quasar as a UX platform abstraction layer with the ability to create an app for all desired platforms - the same source for desktop (Windows and MacOS), browser, Android, and iOS. When combined with the FeathersJS 4 open source web framework for building modern real-time applications and VueJS 2 with mobile first technology (feathers-offline-owndata) then you are off to a good start! Here we use MongoDB as back-end server storage, but it can easily be substituted for another database (eg. MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MSSQL, Elasticsearch, Objection, Cassandra, ... ).

This project is not finished but it is a very good start.


  • Mobile first (offline-realtime-owndata)
  • Quasar (one source for all platforms) v1.11.2
  • VueJS 2.6.11
  • FeathersJS 4.5.3
  • Cordova 8.1.1
  • SASS
  • Pug
  • ES6, ES7, and ES8
  • Webpack
  • Vue Stash - For Redux Store (can easily be replaced with Vuex)
  • Lodash
  • Material Design, Fontawesome, Roboto-Font (and more)
  • Validate client side data with Mongoose schemas
  • Hot reload

Moreover, you can use Docker for server development and deployment.


For more information on all the things you can do with Quasar visit quasar.dev.

For more information on all the things you can do with VueJS visit vuejs.org.

For more information on all the things you can do with FeathersJS visit docs.feathersjs.com.

For more information on all the things you can do with Cordova visit cordova.apache.org.

For more information on all the things you can do with Docker visit docs.docker.com.

Install the dependencies

We presuppose that you already have npm and node installed. Optionally, you also have to have MongoDB installed if you do not want to develop using Docker. If you do want to develop with Docker then this have to be installed too (Docker).

First you have to get this source

cd <your-source-dir>
git clone https://github.com/mhillerstrom/Quasar-Cordova Quasar-Cordova

Then you

cd Quasar-Cordova
npm install

Set environment

To be able to run, you first have to create a file named environment-dev.env in Quasar-Cordova with the following contents:

# Development host - please insert your ip (not localhost)

# Database definitions (DEV and TEST)

# Should we suppress email-mania all together?
# Should we send a test message to COMPLAINT_EMAIL at startup?

# Allowed email address formats:  dd@disney.com   or the friendlier:  Donald Duck <dd@disney.com>
COMPLAINT_EMAIL=MyApp Complaints <your-gmail-account>
GMAIL=MyApp <your-gmail-account>


Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)


To develop the client alone use

quasar dev

To develop using a usb-connected device (here an Android device)

quasar dev -m cordova -T android

Very sleek with automatic refresh whenever you save changes to your code.

Server (and client)

With Docker

To develop the client and server together use

npm run dockerdev

This will start the process of initiating the client development process and start the Docker docker-compose process of building the images and containers for Mongo and the server. On my MacBook Pro 2017 this takes just shy of 5 min for the initial build.

To develop on a usb-connected device and server together use

npm run dockerdevice -T ios

(Should you forget to connect a device a simulator will be started instead).

Without Docker

This is a bit trickier. I suggest you open 3 terminal sessions in the quasar-cordova directory.

In the first window we start MongoDB(which have to be locally installed first)


In the second window you can start the server by

npm run quasar-serve

Finally, in the third window you start the Quasar development server by

npm run quasar-dev

Client in browser

To start the client in a browser use


Lint the files

npm run lint

Build the app for production

To build the client for all configured platforms (Android, iOS, and browser) use

quasar build

You can optionally produce a specific client by

quasar build android

To build the production images/containers for the server

npm run dockerbuild

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.conf.js.


The application is structured in separate directories for the front-end (browser), the mobile apps (Cordova), and the back-end (FeathersJS). The main directory structure:

  + config        # Configuration files
  + dist          # The distribution files
  + server        # The Back-end (server) dir (FeathersJS)
  |  + email-templates
  |  + hooks      # System wide (generic) hooks
  |  + middleware # Not used (yet?)
  |  + models     # Database document models
  |  + patterns   # DB field validation
  |  + seed       # Initial DB instantiation
  |  + services   # All the implemented services (adhering to FeathersJS)
  |  + utils      # Generic and important utilities
  + srv           # The front-end main dir
  |  + assets     # Logos
  |  + boot       # Add-ins to Quasar (eg. routing and data store)
  |  + components # The Vue components
  |  + css        # The app wide styles
  |  + layouts    # The app page layouts
  |  + pages      # The content for the layouts
  |  + router     # The app routing
  |  + images     # The background decorations
  |  + services   # Bridging front-end with the back-end,
  |  |              authorisation, and sign-up (FeathersJS)
  |  |  + api     # Bridge implementation, FeathersJS inclusion
  |  |  + schemas # Validation schemas for services
  |  + statics    # Icons and backgrounds
  |  |  + icons   # Icons (platform specific)
  |  + store      # Defining the Vue Stash
  + src-cordova   # The Cordova specific code
  |                 (see https://cordova.apache.org)
  + www           # I'm not sure...
  + doc           # Misc documentation both of system and surrounding systems
  + node_modules  # Automatically populated by `npm`
  + test          # Server Mocha tests (maybe)

Use standard cli's for scaffolding etc.

You can use both the Quasar cli (quasar), the Cordova cli (cordova), and the FeathersJS cli (feathers), for scaffolding and adding bits and pieces. Find further info using one (or more) of the following commands

quasar --help     # Execute in Quasar-Cordova directory
cordova --help    # Execute in Quasar-Cordova/src-cordova directory
feathers --help   # Execute in Quasar-Cordova directory

Allowing trusted people to look at your work in progress

When developing it is often useful to get input from others in order to get the design just right. But how do you do this without going through the full hassle of establishing a site, generating the production versions, and publishing it all to the site? Well, there is very handy way by built-in functionality, localhost.run, of ssh.

You can allow people outside your local area network to access your app on your machine by opening a shell and type

ssh -R 80:localhost:8080 ssh.localhost.run

The output wil be something like

... a number of lines skipped ...
**If you see a message below telling you that your hostname is already in use**
** try a different username like this:**
**`ssh -R localhost:80:localhost:8080 random-string@ssh.localhost.run`**

Connect to http://somestring.localhost.run or https://somestring.localhost.run

Now you only have to let your trusted friends to direc their browser to the address given on the line starting with Connect to et voilá they are accessing the app in realtime. If you make changes they are available to your friends too. Very neat and useful.

NOTE: remember to close the connection when your session ends due to possible security problems.


Copyright (c) 2020 by Michael Hillerström