
An extended version of `gh-action-bump-version` supporting Lerna mono repos

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GitHub Action for automated npm version bump.

This is a extension of gh-action-bump-version by phips28 and a further development of the testing principles of melody-universe.

As the plus indicates this action will do all what gh-action-bump-version does plus some handling of Lerna mono repos. For Lerna mono repos we always bump all packages in the mono repo.

Additionally, we introduce a parameter skip-if-commit-contains (see below).

This Action bumps the version in package.json and pushes it back to the repo. It is meant to be used on every successful merge to master but you'll need to configured that workflow yourself. You can look to the .github/workflows/push.yml file in this project as an example.


Make sure you use the actions/checkout@v2 action!

Migration: Version v9 and up

Remove the 'actions/setup-node@v1' step from your action.yml file

      - name: 'Setup Node.js'
        uses: 'actions/setup-node@v1'
          node-version: 14


  • Based on the commit messages, increment the version from the latest release.
    • If the string "BREAKING CHANGE", "major" or the Attention pattern refactor!: drop support for Node 6 is found anywhere in any of the commit messages or descriptions the major version will be incremented.
    • If a commit message begins with the string "feat" or includes "minor" then the minor version will be increased. This works for most common commit metadata for feature additions: "feat: new API" and "feature: new API".
    • If a commit message contains the word "pre-alpha" or "pre-beta" or "pre-rc" then the pre-release version will be increased (for example specifying pre-alpha: 1.6.0-alpha.1 -> 1.6.0-alpha.2 or, specifying pre-beta: 1.6.0-alpha.1 -> 1.6.0-beta.0)
    • All other changes will increment the patch version.
  • Push the bumped npm version in package.json back into the repo.
  • Push a tag for the new version back into the repo.


tag-prefix: Prefix that is used for the git tag (optional). Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    tag-prefix:  'v'

skip-tag: The tag is not added to the git repository (optional). Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    skip-tag:  'true'

default: Set a default version bump to use (optional - defaults to patch). Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    default: prerelease

preid: Set a preid value will building prerelease version (optional - defaults to 'rc'). Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    default: prerelease
    preid: 'prc'

wording: Customize the messages that trigger the version bump. It must be a string, case sensitive, coma separated (optional). Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    minor-wording:  'add,Adds,new'
    major-wording:  'MAJOR,cut-major'
    patch-wording:  'patch,fixes'     # Providing patch-wording will override commits
                                      # defaulting to a patch bump.
    rc-wording:     'RELEASE,alpha'

PACKAGEJSON_DIR: Param to parse the location of the desired package.json (optional). Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    PACKAGEJSON_DIR:  'frontend'

TARGET-BRANCH: Set a custom target branch to use when bumping the version. Useful in cases such as updating the version on master after a tag has been set (optional). Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    target-branch: 'master'

commit-message: Set a custom commit message for version bump commit. Useful for skipping additional workflows run on push. Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    commit-message: 'CI: bumps version to {{version}} [skip ci]'

push: Set false you want to avoid pushing the new version tag/package.json. Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    push: false

skip-if-commit-contains: Skip Version Bump Plus if the commit message contains the specified (case-insensitive) string Example:

- name:  'Automated Version Bump Plus'
  uses:  'mhillerstrom/gh-action-bump-version-plus@master'
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    skip-if-commit-contains: dependabot


To be able to run the tests locally, you will have to create two repos for this sole purpose with a personal access token (PAT) and create a local .env file with contents like:


In order to make all tests pass you will have to make a secret TEST_TOKEN in both repositories (can be same PAT as above). RUNNER_TEMP must be a directory separate from the working directory of this GitHub Action.

After this all you need to do is:

npm run test

lay back and watch the tests run. Any console.log() statements in index.js will be available in the actions output (see actions tab on GitHub).

Happy debugging! 😄

To be able to merge changes in your own copy of this repo you must add TEST_REPO, TEST_LERNA_REPO, TEST_USER, and TEST_TOKEN as repository secrets.