
What *is* this?! A TESTBED FOR ANTS?!

Primary LanguageRuby

Example Ruby Testbed

/.ruby-version This file indicates to them which Ruby version should be used when running stuff in this project. Saves a lot of headaches in the cases where you don't realize that you're not running your code against the same Ruby version/dependencies you thought you were. Tools like rbenv and RVM read this file to determine which version of Ruby they should use to run the code in this directory.


This file (and Gemfile.lock) list the dependencies needed by this project. It's consumed by a tool called Bundler, which is the standard tool for dependency management in Ruby. Even though this is just a small sandbox, I highly recommend using this for all Ruby projects.


Rake (Ruby Make) is a powerful tool for task management in Ruby. When I'm working on code, I usually use Rake as an entry point.


This directory is for Ruby scripts that are executable directly from the command line. Generally speaking, I only use this directory for executables which I expect the user of the project to run, not executables which I'm using during development.


This directory is where all your 'actual' code should live. Make sure this directory is on Ruby's $LOAD_PATH at runtime, or the require method won't be able to resolve your Ruby files!