- 0
- 7
The -buffer flag has no effect
#258 opened by pluma9 - 1
- 0
Integration with fugitive for git-grep
#241 opened by blueyed - 1
qf window height
#246 opened by Trid-collab - 0
- 1
complete_files error
#261 opened by ivanbrennan - 1
- 1
A bug about memory leak whiling search a char Colon(:)
#223 opened by lwwens - 11
-cword stopped working
#257 opened by slashmili - 0
- 3
- 0
- 24
Always No results with ripgrep 13.0
#244 opened by trsdln - 0
Can I pass multiple arguments to grepprg?
#249 opened by sihunqu123 - 0
Can I have multiple configs for a same tool?
#248 opened by sihunqu123 - 0
Failed to catch the filename when grepping a file(NOT folder) with gnu-grep
#247 opened by sihunqu123 - 0
- 0
Search in project root
#242 opened by gennaro-tedesco - 1
RipGrep keeps running on background (WSL Ubuntu)
#233 opened by l13rb4git - 4
How to close the search result window?
#222 opened by Leviathan1995 - 0
'o' does not open the current context
#237 opened by jf - 0
- 0
Autocomplete path in the Grepper prompt?
#235 opened by bravoecho - 0
Add more "greppable" info in the About section?
#234 opened by bravoecho - 6
Jumping jumps to line instead of character
#229 opened by sheerun - 2
- 1
Adding a generic mapping example in wiki on <Plug>(GrepperOperator) flags setting
#230 opened by milvi - 0
Allow to define query as positional argument
#228 opened by sheerun - 0
- 0
Can't search with **/*
#226 opened by stsewd - 0
Not working with cmdwin.
#225 opened - 0
On converting regex, escape special character that is literal but special when escaped in Vim regex
#224 opened by Konfekt - 4
arrow keys in terminal Vim
#221 opened by Konfekt - 1
"grepformat" with -l: match filename-only
#219 opened by blueyed - 2
E900 when more than 4999 matches in Neovim
#212 opened by gravndal - 4
Issues with git worktree
#202 opened by mantognini - 1
Feature: specify directory to grep in
#208 opened by SevereOverfl0w - 2
Feature request: no-side flag
#206 opened by omrisarig13 - 1
Feature request: bang for fast query
#210 opened by mg979 - 2
Feature: Show CLI for -query flag by default
#209 opened by sergei-mironov - 1
operator cannot use grepprg
#201 opened by jinleileiking - 2
- 2
- 1
'-append' don't work in my vim/neovim?
#204 opened by yehuohan - 1
- 1
Question: Cannot load default values.
#199 opened by jinleileiking - 3
--noopen option is not working if rg -A/B/C is set
#197 opened by at2021 - 1
Add cword query to history
#196 opened by pylipp - 12