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Close Scratch buffer with Sayonara!
#21 opened by lyz-code - 0
Sayonara closes (n)vim like there is no listed buffers when calling it from popups
#24 opened by msva - 0
Make 'unsaved changes' confirmation consistent with vim 'set confirm' option
#22 opened by akdevservices - 1
- 0
Renaming options in `handle_modified_buffer`.
#15 opened by MasterMedo - 2
- 4
Request: `write` command
#14 opened by alok - 2
Doesn't work well with NerdTreeTabs
#13 opened by psjay - 2
Don't fall back on quickfix or location list
#11 opened by teto - 6
new features suggestions around "helper" windows
#10 opened by tardypad - 7
can't close last window
#9 opened by alok - 4
E481: No range allowed
#6 opened by sunaku - 3
Closes vim even when buffers are still open
#8 opened by teto - 1
Support Saving
#7 opened by wheatdog - 5
Sayonara! throws error in CmdLineWindow
#5 opened by Konfekt - 1
Scratch buffer
#4 opened by onemanstartup - 21
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