AICUP 2021 教育部全國大專校院人工智慧競賽 春季賽:醫病決策預判與問答


  • Install packages in Pipfile:
    pipenv install
    pipenv install --dev
    if you need to log training metrics by wandb.
    • After pipenv install, run pipenv shell to get into the virtual environment you built.
    • You can also manually install packages in Pipfile by pip or conda with Python 3.8


  • Download trained model:
    • By script (download and unzip):
  • Test data is recommended to be placed at data/rc/test.csv and data/qa/test.json for Risk Classification and QA respectively.
  • The data of QA have to be preprocessed before predicting:
    python \
        --data_path data/qa/test.json \
        --model_name model_test.pkl \
        --processed_data_path data/qa/processed_test.json
  • We ensembled 3 models for Risk Classification and 4 models for QA. To predict them all:
    • Path of test data changed by --data_path in the scripts.
    • Batch size can be modified by --batch_size in the scripts to fit your GPU.
    • Predicting uses cuda:0 by default (can be changed by --device), and note that using cpu is not tested.
    • Predictions will be saved at prediction/.
  • To ensemble the prediction of models:
    python \
        --task rc \
        --data_dir prediction/ \
        --pred_path prediction/rc_final.csv
    python \
        --task qa \
        --data_dir prediction/ \
        --pred_path prediction/qa_final.csv
    • The file at --pred_path is the final predictions.
    • Note that for QA, the program randomly chooses an option from those getting the same votes. Since we did not set a random seed, the result varies between every execution.


Risk Classification

  • Training data is strongly recommended to be placed at data/rc/train.csv.
  • To train:
    • Validation data will be split from training data with a ratio of 10% automatically.
    • The program saves the best model by the AUROC of validation data (can be changed by --metric_for_best).
    • Model will be saved in --ckpt_dir (default: ckpt/rc).
    • Training uses cuda:0 by default (can be changed by --device), and note that using cpu is not tested.


  • Training data is strongly recommended to be placed at data/qa/train.json.
  • The data have to be preprocessed before training:
    python \
        --data_path data/qa/train.json \
        --model_name model_train.pkl \
        --processed_data_path data/qa/processed_train.json
  • We also use C3 dialog data to boost performance.
  • To train:
    • Validation data will be split from training data with a ratio of 10% automatically.
      • The splitting process requires data/rc/train.csv to get the exact split as risk classification, so make sure the file exists.
    • The program saves the best model by the accuracy of validation data (can be changed by --metric_for_best).
    • Model will be saved in --ckpt_dir (default: ckpt/qa).
    • Training uses cuda:0 by default (can be changed by --device), and note that using cpu is not tested.