Automated Setup Script for CUDA, cuDNN, and OpenCV Installation

This script automates the installation process for CUDA, cuDNN, and OpenCV on an Ubuntu system. It provides a streamlined way to ensure that the required dependencies and libraries are properly installed for deep learning and computer vision development.


  • Ubuntu operating system (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)
  • NVIDIA GPU with CUDA support


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd cuda-cudnn-opencv-installation
  3. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x
  4. Run the script with necessary arguments to specify the versions:

    Replace <CMAKE_VERSION>, <CUDA_VERSION>, <CUDNN_VERSION>, <OPENCV_VERSION>, and <UBUNTU_VERSION> with the desired versions of CMake, CUDA, cuDNN, OpenCV, and Ubuntu respectively.

    ./ --cmake <CMAKE_VERSION> --cuda <CUDA_VERSION> --cudnn <CUDNN_VERSION> --opencv <OPENCV_VERSION> --ubuntu <UBUNTU_VERSION>
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and prompts.


  • The script first uninstalls existing CUDA, cuDNN, and NVIDIA drivers if they are detected.
  • It then installs the necessary NVIDIA drivers automatically using the ubuntu-drivers command.
  • The script compares the installed CMake version with the provided version. If the installed version is older, it removes the old version and installs the specified CMake version.
  • CUDA, cuDNN, and OpenCV are installed based on the provided version numbers.
  • After successful installation, the script verifies the OpenCV installation.