Extism Space Commander

A retro space shooter game that shows how you can integrate Extism into your project to make it super moddable. The project is built in Godot 4 and uses both GDScript (for the game logic) and C# (for integrating with Extism)



You can see the full demo with some explaination here: https://www.loom.com/share/4a0bd61c002641fcacc0ee3ce394db5c?sid=ef2de775-0b08-4fc1-8c93-f23bcf6e0b48


How to compile a mod

$ cd ./mods/shield/
$ tinygo build -target wasi -o ../../assets/mods/shield.wasm main.go

Note: for compiling the mods, you need TinyGo.


  • The game is based on Kan Alpar's Youtube tutorial
  • The art is by Kenney Vleugels. (except for the ugly kaboom.png, that one is mine)

More information

Please see https://extism.org