
this is readme to describe what I have done as a freelancer in tafada project

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This README describes the work I've completed as a freelancer on the Tafada project.

In this README, I will summarize most of what I have done.

Backend Structure

Tree Structure

├── controllers
│ ├── authController.js
│ ├── dashboardController.js
│ └── plaidController.js
├── middlewares
│ └── auth.middleware.js
├── models
│ ├── cardModel.js
│ ├── otpModel.js
│ └── userModel.js
├── routes
│ ├── auth.js
│ ├── dashboard.js
│ └── plaid.js
├── uploads
│ └── note.txt
├── utils
│ ├── constants
│ │ └── api-constants.js
│ └── helpers
│ └── helpers.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── pin.txt
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── README.md
└── server.js


  • user
  • card
  • otp: This model is used to save temporary OTPs for users until they check them. After verification, the temporary OTP is removed, and it is saved in the user model.

MVC Structure

  • Models: Contain the database tables.
  • Routes: Contain endpoints.
  • Controllers: Contain functions for the endpoints.
  • Middlewares: Act as a security layer, checking the user's token before executing the controller function.
  • Uploads: Contain images and PDFs uploaded by users.
  • Utils: Contain shared functions or constants.

Important Functions and Comments

  • The README provides detailed explanations of functions and comments, such as testing proposals and explanations about the use of certain code blocks.
  • It mentions the use of a mock webhook function to simulate Plaid webhook requests, which is essential for testing but requires a live server.

Main New Files



  1. authController.js: Contains functions sendOTP and checkOTP for OTP handling.

    • sendOTP: Sends an OTP to the user's phone using textbelt API.
    • checkOTP: Verifies the OTP entered by the user.
  2. dashboardController.js: Contains functions for managing user account information, image uploads, and Stripe transactions.

    • addInfo: Adds/edit user account information.
    • uploadImage: Manages user profile image uploads.
    • myAccount: Retrieves user information.
    • createStripeCharge: Creates a Stripe charge and returns a redirect link.
    • checkStripeCharge: Checks if the user has completed the payment.
    • getTransactions: Retrieves user transactions.
  3. plaidController.js: Contains Plaid configuration and functions for managing Plaid integration.

    • linkToken: Gets a token for the user to log into their bank account.
    • exchange_public_token: Exchanges the user's public token for an access token.
    • transferAmount: Initiates and creates a transfer for the user.
    • requestLimit: Handles user requests for a limit, creates transfers, and initiates recurring transfers.
    • dashboard: Retrieves user analytics for the dashboard.
    • webhookTransfer: Manages user score changes when payments are made.


  • changeScore: A function that changes the user's score based on their activity and updates it in the database.