install_github("mhmdmodan/bezieR", args="--no-multiarch")
This may not work however due to R/Java architecture differences. In that case, clone the repo, open bezieR.RProj
in RStudio, and press CTRL+SHIFT+B
to Install and Restart.
draw_beziers(window_size = 800L)
Intializes and runs the Java program to draw curves.
Returns the bezier curves' points as a matrix, with each row as a new curve, indexed as {endpoint, control, control, endpoint}.
plot_curve(T = get_points(), npts = 100, ...)
plots the bezier curve matrix.
Click, or just click to add a new handle. Just clicking will spawn the handle with control points at the same coordinates as the bezier endpoint, treating it as a single point.
Click and drag to move handles/endpoints.
Control-click allows you to manipulate individual handles without affecting the opposite control point. It also disallows manipulation of endpoints.
Alt-click to delete points.
Double click the first handle to complete the curve.
Control-Z is undo. There is no redo.
Press "s" to save the current state in a file called "points.set", press "o" to load
Press "h" to toggle hiding the orange bezier controls