
extensions and helpers for dart to save time , make the code more readable and smaller

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Q U E E N 👑



Pub License: MITissuesPull requestsforksStarts style: lint

What is readable

a collection of helpers and extension methods for dart flutter

Why use readable

Save time and effort

  • no more helpers or extensions scattered in the project .
  • helpers already built and ready to be used out of the box .
  • you will find many uses cases where readable can be helpful
 /// for flutter

 Widget build(BuildContext context){
    /// Before ::
    final width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
    /// After::
    final width = context.width;

    /// Before ::
    final h1 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline1;
    /// After::
    final h1 = context.headline1;
/// for dart
  final data = [1,2,3,4,5];
  final total = data.sum(); // 15

  final minimNumber = data.min(); // 1

  final maximumNumber = data.max(); // 5

  final average = data.average(); // 3
  // ...etc


  • the extensions are built to be easy-to-read and understand .
  • it do what it says literally
  /// BEFORE ::
  final firstUser = users.isEmpty ? null : user.first
  /// AFTER ::
  final firstUser = users.firstOrNull();  /// return the first if the list is not empty else return null

  final dateSTR '10-11-2017';
  /// will convert the string to `DateTime`
  /// is not valid will throw `FormatException`
  final DateTime date = dateStr.toDate();

  /// will convert the string to `DateTime` if the string is not valid will return null
  final DateTime? date = dateStr.toDateOrNull();

  /// if cant convert will return otherDate value
  final DateTime date = dateStr.toDateOr(otherDate);

  /// if cant convert will return now
  final DateTime date = dateStr.toDateOrNow();

  /// ...etc


unlike other helpers you build in different projects most likely will not test and maintain them , BUT readable comes with 100% test coverage .

how to use them

readable is part of queen you already have readable ready out of the box in any file that imports queen

import 'package:queen/queen.dart`;

Example ::

Widget build(BuildContext context){
  /// replace the shortcut with any from below
  final result = context.shortcut;
  /// not just `BuildContext` you can use it with any other data type
  final numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];

  final average = numbers.average(); // 3


QMediaQueryX on BuildContext


/// Before ::
final width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
/// After ::
final width = context.width;


/// Before ::
final height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
/// After ::
final height = context.height;


/// Before ::
final aspectRatio = MediaQuery.of(context).size.aspectRatio;
/// After ::
final aspectRatio = context.aspectRatio;


/// Before ::
final orientation = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation;
/// After ::
final orientation = context.orientation;

isLandscape , isPortrait

/// Before ::
final isLandscape = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation == Orientation.landscape;
final isPortrait = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation == Orientation.portrait;
/// After ::
final isLandscape = context.isLandscape;
final isPortrait = context.isPortrait;


isRtl , isLtr

/// Before ::
final isRtl = Directionality.of(this) == TextDirection.rtl;
final isLtr = Directionality.of(this) == TextDirection.ltr;

/// After ::
final isRtl = context.isRtl;
final isLtr = context.isLtr;



/// Before ::
final canPop = Navigator.of(context).canPop();
/// After ::
final canPop = context.canPop;


bodyText1 , bodyText2

/// Before ::
final bodyText1 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1;
final bodyText2 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText2;
/// After ::
final bodyText1 = context.bodyText1;
final bodyText2 = context.bodyText2;


/// Before ::
final button = Theme.of(context).textTheme.button;
/// After ::
final button = context.button;


/// Before ::
final caption = Theme.of(context).textTheme.caption;
/// After ::
final caption = context.caption;

headline1 ,2,3,4,5,6

/// Before ::
final headline1 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline1;
final headline2 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline2;
final headline3 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline3;
final headline4 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4;
final headline5 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline5;
final headline6 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6;

/// After ::
final headline1 = context.headline1;
final headline2 = context.headline2;
final headline3 = context.headline3;
final headline4 = context.headline4;
final headline5 = context.headline5;
final headline6 = context.headline6;


/// Before ::
final overline = Theme.of(context).textTheme.overline;

/// After ::
final overline = context.overline;

subtitle1 , subtitle2

/// Before ::
final subtitle1 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.subtitle1;
final subtitle2 = Theme.of(context).textTheme.subtitle2;

/// After ::
final subtitle1 = context.subtitle1;
final subtitle2 = context.subtitle2;


isDark , isLight

/// Before ::
final isDark = Theme.of(context).brightness ==  Brightness.dark;
final isLight = Theme.of(context).brightness ==  Brightness.light;

/// After ::
final isDark = context.isDark;
final isLight = context.isLight;

on String


revers the string characters

final name = 'queen';
print(name.reversed); // neeuq


Checks if string is Palindrome

final name = 'queen';
print(name.isPalindrome); // false


Uppercase first letter inside string and let the others lowercase Example: your name => Your name

final name = 'queen';
print(name.capitalizeFirst); // Queen


Uppercase first letter inside each word in string Example: your name => Your Name

final name = 'flutter queen';
print(name.capitalize); //Flutter Queen


string lines count

final name = 'flutter queen';
print(name.linesCount); //1


returns last symbol of string or empty string if this is null or empty

final name = 'flutter queen';
print(name.last); //n


Replaces part of string after the first occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [defaultValue] which defaults to the original string.

final name = 'flutter******';
print(name.replaceAfter('r', '')); //flutter


Replaces part of string before the first occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue!] which defaults to the original string.

final name = 'flutter******';
print(name.replaceBefore('*', '')); //******


Returns true if at least one element matches the given [predicate]. the [predicate] should have only one character

final name = 'flutter queen';
print(name..anyChar((element) => element == 't'); //true

on TimeOfDay

isAm , isPm

final tod=  TimeOfDay(hour: 15, minute: 0);
final isAm = tod.isAm;  // false
final isPm = tod.isPm;  // true






on ReadableListX


/// alias for `length`
final items =[1,2,3,4];
print(items.count()); // 4


/// return the `length` without `null` elements

final items =[1,2,null,3,null,4,null,null,null,];
print(items.countWithoutNull()); // 4


since forEach does noe support async now you have it in

// async for each
Future<void> load()async {

final numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
await numbers.loop((e) async{
        await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
/// the output is
/// 1
/// 2
/// 3
/// 4
/// 5
/// 6
/// lsat


/// * return a new `List` without duplicated `elements`
final items =[1,2,2,4,4];
print(items.withoutDuplicate()); // [1,2,4]


return a random element from list

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.random); // random item

final empty =[];
/// ! throws `StateError` if list is empty


return first element if list is not empty else return the default value

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.firstOr(5)); // 1
print([].firstOr(5)); // 5


return the first element if list is not empty else return null

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.firstOrNull()); // 1
print([].firstOrNull()); // null


return last element if list is not empty else return the default value

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.lastOr(5)); // 3
print([].lastOr(5)); // 5


return the last element if list is not empty else return null

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.lastOrNull()); // 3
print([].lastOrNull()); // null


return element by index if index si out of range will return the value

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.atOr(1,3)); // 2
print([].atOr(1,3)); // 3


return element by index if index out of range will return null

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.atOrNull(1)); // 2
print([].atOrNull(1)); // null


return the first match else will return null

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e % 2 == 0)); // 2
print([].firstWhereOrNull((e) => e % 2 == 0)); // null


like map() function but now you have the index with the element

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.mapWithIndex((index, e) => index)); // [0,1,2]


The takeUntil method returns items in the collection until the given callback returns true If callback never returns true, the takeUntil method will return all items in the collection.

final items =[1,2,3];
print(items.takeUntil((e) => e % 2 == 0)); // [2]
print(items.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e * 2 == 0)); // [1,2,3]

on List<num>



  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? sum = list.sumOrNull(); // 15

  /// return null if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? sum = emptyList.sumOrNull(); // null


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? sum = list.sumOr(10); // 15

  /// return `value` if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? sum = emptyList.sumOr(10); // 10


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? sum = list.sumOrZero(); // 15

  /// return `0` if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? sum = emptyList.sumOr(); // 0


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? sum = list.sum(); // 15

  final emptyList = <num>[];
   /// ! throws `StateError` if isEmpty
  final num? sum = emptyList.sum();



  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.averageOrNull(); // 3

  /// return null if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.averageOrNull(); // null


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.averageOr(10); // 3

  /// return `value` if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.averageOr(10); // 10


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.averageOrZero(); // 3

  /// return `0` if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.averageOrZero(); // 0


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.average(); // 3

  final emptyList = <num>[];
   /// ! throws `StateError` if isEmpty
  final num? result = emptyList.average();



  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.maxOrNull(); // 5

  /// return null if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.maxOrNull(); // null


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.maxOr(5); // 5

  /// return `value` if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.maxOr(10); // 10


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.maxOrZero(); // 5

  /// return `0` if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.maxOrZero(); // 0


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.max(); // 5

  final emptyList = <num>[];
   /// ! throws `StateError` if isEmpty
  final num? result = emptyList.max();



  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.minOrNull(); // 1

  /// return null if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.minOrNull(); // null


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.minOr(5); // 1

  /// return `value` if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.minOr(10); // 10


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.minOrZero(); // 1

  /// return `0` if the list is empty
  final emptyList = <num>[];
  final num? result = emptyList.minOrZero(); // 0


  final list = [1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ];
  final num? result = list.min(); // 1

  final emptyList = <num>[];
   /// ! throws `StateError` if isEmpty
  final num? result = emptyList.min();

delayed durations

/// BEFORE::
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds:1));
/// AFTER::
await oneSecond();

you also have

  • oneSecond()
  • twoSeconds()
  • threeSeconds()
  • fourSeconds()
  • fiveSeconds()
  • sixSeconds()
  • sevenSeconds()
  • eightSeconds()
  • nineSeconds()
  • tenSeconds()