
Simple `Compiler` written in java to teach student collage who aren't familiar with Compilers and how they work.

Primary LanguageJava


UQULang MIPS compiler, A programming language inspired by Swift, Java.
  • It is a simple compiler written in java to teach me and other students about compilers.

Currently, UQULang is only being developed by me, Mohammed.

the language is not to be taken seriously in any kind of way at this moment, Since it's just another fun project of mine

Example of what UQULang should look like at the end

typealias BirthYear = int;
func int calculateAge(year: BirthYear) { ... }

func int main(i: int, args: string[]) {
    print("Hello, World");
    return 0;

Note: This project is still under development, So that's why I'm keeping what the code of this language should look like.