
A Docker image that you build and run to package your Ruby code so it can run on a node.js Lambda fiction on AWS.

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Get your Ruby running on Lambda

On 2016/12/09 the AWS Compute Blog described a technique for running unsupported languages on AWS Lambda.


I gave it a try for Ruby and it worked for me. So I created a Docker image that automates most of the work.

Put your Ruby into your_ruby.rb, build the image and then run a new container to get the zip file for Lambda.

To build the supplied Docker image from the root directory of this repo.
$ docker build .

Then run this command, replacing <DOCKER_IMAGE> with the id of the image you just built. $ docker run -tiP -v ${PWD}:/result <DOCKER_IMAGE> cp /lambda_ruby/ruby.zip /result

This should copy ruby.zip to this same directory.

You can now upload this 7 megayte file to a node.js AWS Lambda. This Lambda function will need a handler called 'ruby.handler'.

And you will need an execution role that can write to CloudWatch logs. A role with the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole managed policy, for example.