It is very close implementation to actual bloc architecture:
Just includes the fetching of Weather at the moment, not other features
It includes 4 layers:
- Data layer (data provider)
- Repository layer
- Business layer (cubit/state)
- Presentation layer (front-end/UI)
And you start coding them respectively. Overall concept for this architecture will be:
Your Data Layer must be hidden/abstracted from your business/presentation layer, so the point of interaction will be the respository layer
- Just a file that exports other files to clean-up imports
- VS Code extension:
- Dart Data Class Generator:
- extensions
- ...
- screens/
- weather/
- cubits (Business layer)
- weather_cubit.dart
- weather_state.dart
- models
- models.dart (Barrel)
- views (Presentation layer)
- weather_view.dart (Entry point of UI)
- widgets/
- error.dart
- loading.dart
- success.dart
- widgets.dart (Barrel)
- weather_data_provider/ (Data layer - Abstracted/Hidden)
- lib/
- src/
- models/
- models.dart (barrel)
- location.dart
- weather.dart
- weather_data_provider.dart (data provider implementation)
- weather_data_provider (Barrel)
- weather_repository (Repository layer)
- lib/
- src/
- models
- models.dart (barrel)
- weather.dart
- weather_repository.dart (repository implementation)
- weather_repository.dart (barrel)