
Tic Tac Toe with random computer moves

Primary LanguagePython


A Python3 class exercise

Procedural Programming

First exercise: a procedural implementation

$ python tictactoe_procedural.py

Object Oriented Programming

Second exercise: reconceptualize as interacting objects and implement.

$ python tictactoe_oo.py

The interacting objects are:

  • Game Board (layout)
  • Game Play (rules and turns)
  • Player (opponents)

Bonus 3 objects are:

  • Game Board Position (9 positions total)
  • Game Board Stripe (rows, columns, diagonals)
  • Smart Move Calculator (calculate best next move)

Bonus Exercises

For extra credit:

Bonuses must be done in this order for credit. No skipping around.

  • Bonus 1: Implement linting
  • Bonus 2: Implement unit testing and get code coverage above 95%.
  • Bonus 3: Implement a smart computer player what can win games.
  • Bonus 4: Randomize the selected best next move.
  • Bonus 5: Implement a GUI interface (not included in this example)

Unit testing

pytest --cov-report xml --cov-report term-missing --cov=tictactoe