
Cordova Text-to-Speech Plugin

Primary LanguageJava

Cordova Text-to-Speech Plugin


iOS 7+
Windows Phone 8
Android 4.0.3+ (API Level 15+)


# instead of: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-tts
cordova plugin add https://github.com/mhoennig/cordova-plugin-tts.git


// make sure your the code gets executed only after `deviceready`.
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
    // basic usage
        .speak('hello, world!', function () {
        }, function (reason) {
    // or with more options
            text: 'hello, world!',
            locale: 'en-GB',
            rate: 0.75,
            volume: 0.1
        }, function () {
        }, function (reason) {
}, false);

Tips: speak an empty string to interrupt.

API Definitions

The onfulfilled callback will be called when the speech finishes, and the onrejected callback (Windows Phone only) will be called when an error occurs.

If the API is invoked when it's still speaking, the previous speaking will be canceled immediately, but the onfulfilled callback of the previous speaking will be called when it stops.

declare namespace TTS {
    interface IOptions {
        /** text to speak */
        text: string;
        /** a string like 'en-US', 'zh-CN', etc */
        locale?: string;
        /** speed rate, 0 ~ 1 */
        rate?: number;
        /** [currently Android only] volume, 0 ~ 1 (for human recepted loundness of 50%, you need to use about 0.2) */
        volume?: number;

    function speak(options: IOptions, onfulfilled: () => void, onrejected: (reason) => void): void;
    function speak(text: string, onfulfilled: () => void, onrejected: (reason) => void): void;