
A module for Foundry VTT importing Pathbuilder 2e characters.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Foundry VTT Pathbuilder2e Import

A module for Foundry VTT importing Pathbuilder 2e characters.

Please be aware that this module attempts to match Pathbuilder 2e feats, specials and items to Foundry items, and will not perform perfectly in all cases due to database differences.

Guide for Importing from Pathbuilder 2e

  1. Install this module or get your GM to do it in Foundry VTT.
  2. In Pathbuilder 2e choose 'Export Character' => 'Export to Foundry VTT (JSON)'
  3. The app will upload your character data to the pathbuilder website and give you a 6 digit reference number.
  4. In Foundry VTT click Import from Pathbuilder 2e, found right at the top of your character sheet next to the close button.
  5. Enter the 6 digit reference number you got from Pathbuilder and click import.

Image of Character Sheet

  1. You then get a few options for the import, which you can use to add items to an existing character or start afresh.

Image of Import Dialog


This module was originally created by Docter-Unspeakable