I forked this from Andrew Berls - https://github.com/andrewberls/dotfiles.git - and tweaked it into my own.
These are the dotfiles I use to configure my development environment. Included are bash aliases/functions, vim configuration + bundles, useful scripts, and more!
A script is included to automatically symlink configuration files for vim and bash. From your home directory, run:
git clone https://github.com/mholubowski/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles && bash setup.sh
You will need to reload your shell after running the script - you can either restart your session or run
. ~/.bashrc
Note: the setup script creates symlinks into the dotfiles repo you cloned - don't delete it when you're done!
- vim-railscasts-theme - great theme
Plugins are managed with pathogen.vim.
- (yes) ack.vim - code search (requires Ack)
- AutoClose.vim - Auto-complete braces, parens, etc
- BufOnly.vim - Unload all buffers but current one
- (yes) CtrlP - Fuzzy file search
- (yes) nerdcommenter - commenting/uncommenting code blocks
- (yes) NERDTree - File tree browser
- ragtag - Mappings for HTML/erb,etc (enhances surround.vim)
- (yes) rainbow-parentheses - Color matching parentheses
- rust.vim - Bindings for the Rust language
- Tabular - For aligning text
- surround.vim - Quoting/parenthesizing made simple
- (yes) vim-coffeescript - Highlighting for CoffeeScript
- (yes) vim-endwise - add 'end' automatically for Ruby blocks
- vim-fugitive - Git integration
- vim-haml - Highlighting for Haml
- vim-indent-guides - Indent guides, useful for big chunks of HTML
- (yes) vim-multiple-cursors - multiple cursors, a la Sublime Text
- vim-rspec - Run rspec specs from within Vim
- (yes) vim-ruby - Vim/Ruby configuration
- (yes) vim-airline - Pretty status line
- (yes) emmet-vim - HTML snippet expansion
- (yes) syntastic - syntax linting
- (yes) vim-javascript - js syntax highlighting
- (yes) vim-jsx - jsx (React) syntax highlighting
The bin directory contains a number of useful executables.
Edits a file in vim from a list of modified files in git.
Consider the following output from git status
(numbers added):
$ git status
Changes not staged for commit:
1) modified: app/models/follow.rb
2) modified: config/sunspot.yml
ef 1
will open app/models/follow.rb
in vim, and ef 2
will open config/sunspot.yml
If no number is given, the first file will be opened by default.