This code is related to our recently proposed method called EnGRNT. EnGRNT is a supervised learning method that uses the gene expression data and topological features extracted from GRN to train ensemble classifiers and ultimately improves the GRN structure.

Primary LanguageR


This code is related to our recently proposed method called EnGRNT. EnGRNT is a supervised learning method that uses the gene expression data and topological features extracted from GRN to train ensemble classifiers and ultimately improves the GRN structure.


This program is suitable for R Version 1.1.453 and above versions. The program has adopted by on simulated data and stable state of Escherichia coli (E. coli) . By some little change it can be used for any input data.

The details of the used dataset can be accessible in the below paper:

Gillani, Z., Akash, M. S. H., Rahaman, M. M., & Chen, M. (mchen@zju.edu.cn) (2014). CompareSVM: supervised, Support Vector Machine (SVM) inference of gene regularity networks. BMC bioinformatics, 15(1), 395.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we may be able to help you with: Hakimeh Khojasteh, khojasteh.hb@gmail.com