
Ruby wrapper for Copyscape API

Primary LanguageRuby


Ruby wrapper for the Copyscape API.


First, you'll need to setup your Copyscape account and whatnot. You can do that here.

Next, install the gem.

$ gem install copyscape

And then you can do things like this...

Copyscape.username = 'yourname'
Copyscape.api_key = 'abc123'

# URL search
search = Copyscape.url_search("http://www.copyscape.com/example.html")
search.duplicate? # => true
search.count # => 81
search.duplicates.each do |duplicate|
  puts duplciate['title']
  puts duplicate['url']
  puts duplicate['textsnippet']
  puts duplicate['htmlsnippet']
  puts duplicate['minwordsmatched']

# Text search
search = Copyscape.text_search('This is some text I want to check for plagurism')
search.duplicate? # => false

Currently, there is no support in the gem for "private index" searching, though it would be pretty easy to add.


I'm in no way associated with Copyscape.