--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a STOMP transport plugin for use with RabbitMQ. - http://stomp.codehaus.org/ - http://www.rabbitmq.com/ - https://dev.rabbitmq.com/wiki/StompGateway You can get the code by checking it out from our repository with hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-stomp/ Announcements regarding the transport are periodically made on the RabbitMQ mailing list, and on LShift's blog. - http://lists.rabbitmq.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rabbitmq-discuss - http://www.lshift.net/blog/ - http://www.lshift.net/blog/category/lshift-sw/rabbitmq/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiling --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To build the plugin, you should have the RabbitMQ broker source code compiled in "../rabbitmq-server". If you have a different path to the code, supply it as a command-line argument to make as RABBIT_SOURCE_ROOT=/some/other/path/to/rabbitmq-server. To compile the plugin and start the server with the plugin: make run or make RABBIT_SOURCE_ROOT=/some/other/path/to/rabbitmq-server run If this is successful, you should end up with "starting STOMP-listeners ...done" and "broker running" in your terminal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuring the broker on Debian to start the plugin automatically --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you've installed the rabbitmq-server package on debian or ubuntu, the broker will pick up extra configuration from /etc/default/rabbitmq. To tell the server to start your plugin, first make sure it is compiled, and then add the following text to /etc/default/rabbitmq: SERVER_START_ARGS=' -pa /path/to/rabbitmq-stomp/ebin -rabbit stomp_listeners [{"",61613}] extra_startup_steps [{"STOMP-listeners",rabbit_stomp,kickstart,[]}]' making sure to update the "/path/to/rabbitmq-stomp/ebin" appropriately for your system. Then restart the broker with sudo /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server restart You should then be able to connect to port 61613 using a STOMP client of your choice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running the Ruby examples --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this point you can try out the service - for instance, you can run the Ruby examples if you have Ruby and rubygems handy: sudo apt-get install ruby sudo apt-get install rubygems sudo gem install stomp ruby examples/ruby/cb-receiver.rb and in another window ruby examples/ruby/cb-sender.rb It will transfer 10,000 short messages, and end up displaying ... Test Message number 9998 Test Message number 9999 All Done! in the receiver-side terminal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running the Perl examples --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ sudo cpan -i Net::Stomp The examples are those from the Net::Stomp documentation - run perldoc Net::Stomp to read the originals. Run the receiver before the sender to make sure the queue exists at the moment the send takes place. In one terminal window, start the receiver: $ perl examples/perl/rabbitmq_stomp_recv.pl In another terminal window, run the sender: $ perl examples/perl/rabbitmq_stomp_send.pl $ perl examples/perl/rabbitmq_stomp_send.pl "hello world" $ perl examples/perl/rabbitmq_stomp_send.pl QUIT The receiver's window should contain the received messages: $ perl examples/perl/rabbitmq_stomp_recv.pl test message hello QUIT $