
Repo for epic compiler project made for Compilers course on TCS, JU

Primary LanguageKotlin

Cacophony Compiler

An imperative language made as team project for Compilers course.


To compile a file run ./compile.sh <path-to-file>. For now, it only prints errors and retrieved tokens.

Syntax Highlighting

If you use IntelliJ IDE, run Install Plugin from Disk... and choose the zip file inside ide folder.

Language Specification


Files of cacophony language should have .cac extension.


There is only one type of comments - inline comments, and there are no multiline comments. A comment starts with a hash sign # and ranges to the end of the line. Everything after the # is ignored by the compiler


There is no distinction between statements and expressions - everything has a value (hence everything is an expression), although sometimes the returned value is () which has type Unit.

Possible expressions in our language are:

  • variable definition
  • assignment to a variable
  • function definition
  • if conditional
  • while loop
  • return from a function
  • arithmetic operations
  • logical operations

Declaring types

Types of names are declared as <name> : <Type>.

For readability types are denoted in Uppercase while variables and functions are denoted in lowercase.

Variable definition

New variable is introduced as let <name> : <Type> = <expression>.

The type is optional as we don't allow uninitialized variables.

In the future we might allow to declare variable without value (in such case the type is required) but with dataflow check to spot use before initialization.

Function definition

Functions are introduced using lambda-like syntax: let <name> = [<args>] -> <Type> => <expression>.

For now this is only part of let syntax, the [<args>] -> <Type> => <expression> part is not an expression itself, although it might be when we decide to implement anonymous functions.

Functions can be recursive - they can refer to themselves and other visible functions.

Function definitions can be nested - we can define and use new function in the body of another.

The names of the arguments are not visible outside of the function.

Function overloading and shadowing

When creating a new variable with let it shadows all variables and functions with the same name.

However introducing a new function creates a new overload which does not shadow other functions.

Returning value from a function

Value from a function is returned with return keyword, currently with mandatory value.

The return <expr> as expression itself has type Void which indicates that no calculations happen after return.

Void is a subtype of any other type which allows constructions like let x = if y then return z else w

If conditional

The if conditional can take two forms:

  • if <expression> then <expression>
  • if <expression> then <expression> else <expression>

In first case, the type is Unit as no value is returned if expression evaluates to false. In the second case the type of if is the type of true branch and false branch which have to match.

While loop

There is only one type of loop - the while loop which takes form: while <expression> do <expression>

The loop itself takes no value.

It is possible to exit early from a loop by using break keyword


To allow for sequential execution/evaluation of expressions they can be organized into blocks of form <expression>; <expression>; ... <expression>;

Such block on itself is not treated as an expression - for example in expressions like:

  • while x do y; z;
  • if x then y; z;

z does not belong to body of the while or if and is always executed

To use block as a sub-expression it has to be wrapped in parentheses:

  • while x do (y; z;)
  • if x then (y; z;)

The value of a block is the value of the expression after the last semicolon. In particular:

  • (x; y) has value of y
  • (x;y;) has Unit value since the last expression is empty
  • (;), (x;), (;;;), (x;;;) - all are valid blocks with Unit value


Currently we don't define what operators we use, it's left for a future decision. Probably we should cover the basic ones:

  • + (addition)
  • - (subtraction)
  • * (multiplication)
  • / (integer division)
  • && (boolean and)
  • || (boolean or)
  • <, >, <=, >=, == (comparison operators)