
A Typescript focused library to enable declarative access to HAL endpoints.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

HAL Client

A Typescript focused library to enable declarative access to HAL endpoints.

Its initial intent was to enable a quick way to write tests for HAL APIs. But using it for regular API clients can also make sense.


npm i hal-client
# or
yarn add hal-client


No special setup is required when using Browsers that already support fetch API. In other cases you simply have to polyfill.


As Node.js does not ship with an implementation of fetch you have to fill that gap using existing NPM packages. See: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=fetch

Custom fetch

Using HalClient.fetchFn property you can set a custom fetch function. E.g. this is used for testing this library:

const fetchPromise = Promise.resolve({ json: () => 'expected' });
fetchSpy = sinon.spy(() => fetchPromise);
HalClient.fetchFn = fetchSpy;


A typical use case might look like this:

import { HalClient } from 'hal-client';

async function buyArticle() {
    const shopIndex = HalClient.startAt('http://api.shop.demo').GET();

    const addToCartPayload = { article: 'red shoes' };
    await shopIndex

    const orderResult = await shopIndex

    // orderResult will be of type OrderResult

You can find more scenarios in the ./examples folder.



The entry point for defining HAL traversal operations.


Start the declaration of HAL resource fetching chain with a given URL.

  • entryUrl - a string representing the absolute URL to the API endpoint

Returns a new ResourceFetcher instance.

fromHalRes(res: HalResource)

Start the declaration of resource fetching chain based on an existing HAL resouce instance.

  • res - a materialized HalResource, obviously with a _links property.

Returns a new LazyResource instance.


request(requestInit?: RequestInit)

Declares a lazy HTTP operation that can be invoked later.

  • requestInit - (optional) RequestInit instance that is used for the later fetch call.

Returns a new LazyResource instance.

The optional generic type <T> can be used to get a typed Promise when later executing the chain with run().

GET(requestInit?: RequestInit)

Calls request() with predefined { method: 'GET' }.

  • requestInit - (optional) RequestInit instance that is used for the later fetch call.

Returns a new LazyResource instance.

PUT(payload?, requestInit?: RequestInit)

Calls request() with predefined { method: 'PUT' }.

  • payload - (optional) object that will be JSON stringified and send as body
  • requestInit - (optional) RequestInit instance that is used for the later fetch call.

Returns a new LazyResource instance.

POST(payload?, requestInit?: RequestInit)

Calls request() with predefined { method: 'POST' }.

  • payload - (optional) object that will be JSON stringified and send as body
  • requestInit - (optional) RequestInit instance that is used for the later fetch call.

Returns a new LazyResource instance.

DELETE(requestInit?: RequestInit)

Calls request() with predefined { method: 'DELETE' }.

  • requestInit - (optional) RequestInit instance that is used for the later fetch call.

Returns a new LazyResource instance.


embedded(key: string, index = 0)

Defines to eventually find an embedded resource by key (and index).

  • key - the identifier to find the sub resource inside _embedded property of the latest HAL resource instance
  • index - (optional) number for cases where the found sub resource is an array of HalResource items

Returns a new LazyResource instance.

follow(rel: string, templateParams = {}, relIndex = 0)

Defines a follow operation.

  • rel - the relation name to follow (a key of the object a HAL resource _links property)
  • templateParams - (optional) in case the matching HalLink is templated, these parameters are applied to produce the final URL
  • relIndex - (optional) number for cases where the found relation is represented as an array of HalLink items

Returns a new ResourceFetcher instance.


Executes the defined chain of resource requests.

Returns a Promise, that resolves the most recent HAL resource of the request chain.