
NixOps machine resolution

Primary LanguageRust


DNS Resolver for NixOps machines using trust-dns. I really wouldn't recommend using this for anything other than a local development environment... but my usecase is hosting a DNS server for a few other developers that have access to the NixOps state database and want quick access to testing/staging/production servers


Get Rust installed, then just clone and build

git clone https://github.com/mhsjlw/nixops-dns
cd nixops-dns
cargo run --release
# In another terminal
dig +short machine @ -p 5300

If you want to use it with dnsmasq, it's also quite easy. Just add:


And your system will bounce requests down to the server!

Inspired by https://github.com/kamilchm/nixops-dns (but, uh, it's in Go)