
LinuxSysLib is a lightweight library for Linux system programming in C. It provides a collection of utility functions and wrappers for common system calls and libraries, making it easier to develop low-level software components and interact with the Linux operating system.

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LinuxSysLib is a lightweight library for Linux system programming in C. It provides a collection of utility functions and wrappers for common system calls and libraries, making it easier to develop low-level software components and interact with the Linux operating system.


  • System Calls: Simplifies the usage of system calls by providing convenient wrappers and error handling mechanisms.
  • Interprocess Communication (IPC): Includes abstractions for POSIX message queues, shared memory, and semaphores, enabling efficient communication between processes.
  • File Operations: Provides utility functions for file handling, such as reading, writing, and manipulating file attributes.
  • Networking: Offers a set of functions for network programming, including socket creation, sending and receiving data, and network configuration.
  • Process Management: Facilitates process creation, termination, and signal handling operations.
  • Logging and Debugging: Includes logging utilities for printing diagnostic messages and debugging information during runtime.
  • Memory Management: Offers memory allocation and deallocation functions, as well as memory mapping and shared memory management.