Yocto Exam Practice

This repository contains a collection of practice questions for evaluating your knowledge of Yocto Project. It can serve as a study resource to prepare for Yocto-related exams or simply to assess your understanding of Yocto concepts and components.


The repository includes the following:

questions.md: A file containing a list of Yocto-related questions.
answers.md: A file with the answers to the questions.
README.md: This file providing an overview of the repository.

Feel free to clone or download the repository and use it to test your Yocto knowledge. You can review the questions in questions.md and compare your answers with the provided solutions in answers.md. It's a great way to practice and reinforce your understanding of Yocto Project.


If you have additional Yocto-related questions or would like to contribute improvements to the existing questions and answers, you're welcome to submit a pull request. Contributions from the community are highly appreciated. License

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use the content for personal or educational purposes.


This repository was created to support Yocto learners and enthusiasts in their journey to master the Yocto Project. Special thanks to the contributors who helped curate the questions and answers.

Feel free to modify the template as per your preferences and add any additional sections or information that you deem necessary.

Good luck with your Yocto exam preparation!