The experiments folder contains all experiment files. If you clone the repo, you can run the experiments locally by opening the elephants-n.html file. To take a closer look at the stimuli, open js/stims-n.js. You can also look at the experiments, including all stimuli, for CogSci 2019 here.
- Experiment 1: elephants-3.html
- Experiment 2: elephants-7.html
Data is anonymized. For elephants-1 through elephants-7, there are three .csv files each containing data (subject data, trial data, attention check data) for all participants. For elephants-8 onwards, there is one JSON file for each participant containing all data associated with that participant.
The analysis folder is separated into pilot analyses and analyses for CogSci 2019. You can look at the knit documents directly on GitHub, or download the RMarkdown files and knit them yourself.