
Analysis, models, data, experiments, and writeup for "The Language of Generalization"

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tessler, M. H. & Goodman, N. D. (in press). The Language of Generalization. Psychological Review.

All data can be found in the data folder


To click through experiments in your web-browser, go here. experiments folder contains HTML / JS / CSS code necessary to recreate experiments locally.


To play around with the generics model in the browser, go here. models folder contains computational models written in the probabilistic programming language WebPPL

An implementation of the conjunctive generic "Elephants live in Africa and Asia" can be found here.


The analysis folder contains main analysis scripts: one for each case study, one for the appendix on cue validity, and one which contains model simulations.

Compiling paper

The paper is written in RMarkdown using the package papaja. The code in the paper has a number of other dependencies (e.g., tidyverse, cowplot) that a user will need installed to knit the file. Most of heavy computations are cached and results will be read from saved output files.