Node Bittrex API is an asynchronous node.js library for the Bittrex API - The Bittrex API data can be received either as a GET request or via Websockets API (the Stream option will no longer be maintained and will be removed in further releases - please switch to Websockets if you want to use real Streams).
Documentation to the Bittrex API:
This Library was created by Adrian Soluch (@n0mad01) and is licensed under the MIT license.
Thanks go to the people who have contributed code to this Library.
- dparlevliet Special kudos - thanks to him i was able to add the Websocket API, also did he added the error object/handling param and the getcandles method for the Bittrex API V2
- samuelhei Special kudos - thanks to him all missing calls are complemented as also structural improvements have been made.
- 192-sean
- caffeinewriter
- apense
$ npm install node.bittrex.api
var bittrex = require('node.bittrex.api');
'apikey' : API_KEY,
'apisecret' : API_SECRET,
bittrex.getmarketsummaries( function( data, err ) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
for( var i in data.result ) {
bittrex.getticker( { market : data.result[i].MarketName }, function( ticker ) {
console.log( ticker );
fetch the project via git:
$ git clone
then meet the package dependencies:
$ cd node-bittrex-api/
$ npm install
include node.bittrex.api.js into your project:
var bittrex = require('./node.bittrex.api.js');
'apikey' : API_KEY,
'apisecret' : API_SECRET,
'stream' : true, // will be removed from future versions
'verbose' : true,
'cleartext' : false
By default the returned data is an object, in order to get clear text you have to add the option cleartext (streams will always return text):
'cleartext' : true
The baseUrl itself can also be set via options
'baseUrl' : '',
'baseUrlv2' : '',
Change the callbacks arguments sequence
'inverse_callback_arguments' : true,
This simply changes the sequence in which the arguments are passed, instead of e.g.:
getmarkethistory({market : 'USDT-BTC'}, function(data, error) {});
you'll get the reversed order:
getmarkethistory({market : 'USDT-BTC'}, function(error, data) {});
following methods are implemented:
websockets.listen, websockets.subscribe
listen example
var websocketsclient = bittrex.websockets.listen( function( data ) {
if (data.M === 'updateSummaryState') {
data.A.forEach(function(data_for) {
data_for.Deltas.forEach(function(marketsDelta) {
console.log('Ticker Update for '+ marketsDelta.MarketName, marketsDelta);
subscribe example
var websocketsclient = bittrex.websockets.subscribe(['BTC-ETH','BTC-SC','BTC-ZEN'], function(data) {
if (data.M === 'updateExchangeState') {
data.A.forEach(function(data_for) {
console.log('Market Update for '+ data_for.MarketName, data_for);
simple client & redefine serviceHandlers example
var websocketsclient = bittrex.websockets.client();
websocketsclient.serviceHandlers.reconnecting = function (message) {
return true; // set to true stops reconnect/retrying
websocketsclient.serviceHandlers.messageReceived = function (message) {
console.log(message); // the messages received must be parsed as json first e.g. via jsonic(message.utf8Data)
all possible serviceHandlers
bound: function() { console.log("Websocket bound"); },
connectFailed: function(error) { console.log("Websocket connectFailed: ", error); },
connected: function(connection) { console.log("Websocket connected"); },
disconnected: function() { console.log("Websocket disconnected"); },
onerror: function (error) { console.log("Websocket onerror: ", error); },
messageReceived: function (message) { console.log("Websocket messageReceived: ", message); return false; },
bindingError: function (error) { console.log("Websocket bindingError: ", error); },
connectionLost: function (error) { console.log("Connection Lost: ", error); },
reconnecting: function (retry { inital: true/false, count: 0} ) {
console.log("Websocket Retrying: ", retry);
//return retry.count >= 3; // cancel retry true
return true;
To activate Streaming simply add to your options:
'stream' : true
After configuration you can use the object right away: example #1
bittrex.getmarketsummaries( function( data, err ) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
for( var i in data.result ) {
bittrex.getticker( { market : data.result[i].MarketName }, function( ticker ) {
console.log( ticker );
example #2
bittrex.getbalance({ currency : 'BTC' }, function( data, err ) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
console.log( data );
Websockets depends on the following npm packages:
- signalR websockets client
- jsonic JSON parser
Streaming depends on the following npm packages (will be removed in future versions):
- JSONStream
- event-stream
Other libraries utilized:
For HmacSHA512 this package is using a part of Googles Crypto.js (the node crypt package could not provide any appropriate result).
Example of request/domain based errors (not Bittrex API error)
var url = '';
bittrex.sendCustomRequest( url, function( data, err ) {
if (err) {
success: false,
message: 'URL request error',
{ Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
at errnoException (dns.js:28:10)
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:76:26)
code: 'ENOTFOUND',
errno: 'ENOTFOUND',
syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
hostname: '',
host: '',
port: 80 },
result: undefined
return console.error(err);
Example of request/url based errors (not Bittrex API error)
var url = '';
bittrex.sendCustomRequest( url, function( data, err ) {
if (err) {
success: false,
message: 'URL request error',
error: undefined,
result: {
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage: 'Not Found',
body: '<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html > ...'
return console.error(err);
Example of Bittrex API error
marketName: 'USDT-BTC',
tickInterval: 300,
_: ((new Date()).getTime()/1000)-(300*5) // start timestamp
}, function(data, err) {
if (err) {
success: false,
result: null
return console.error(err);
Optional parameters may have to be looked up at
It may happen that some Bittrex API methods are missing, also they could have been forgotten in the documentation. In this case, if this strikes you, feel free to open a issue or send me a pull request.
Also: the method sendCustomRequest enables completely custom requests, regardless the specific API methods.
- url String
- callback Function
- credentials Boolean optional whether the credentials should be applied to the request/stream or not, default is set to false.
example #1
var url = '';
bittrex.sendCustomRequest( url, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
example #2 (credentials applied to request/stream)
bittrex.sendCustomRequest( '', function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
}, true );
will result in (the Header is being set too):
bittrex.getticker( { market : 'BTC-LTC' }, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getbalances( function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getmarkethistory({ market : 'BTC-LTC' }, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
marketName: 'USDT-BTC',
tickInterval: 'fiveMin', // intervals are keywords
_: ((new Date()).getTime()/1000)-(300*5) // start timestamp
}, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getmarketsummaries( function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getmarketsummary( { market : 'BTC-LTC'}, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getorderbook({ market : 'BTC-LTC', depth : 10, type : 'both' }, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getwithdrawalhistory({ currency : 'BTC' }, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getdepositaddress({ currency : 'BTC' }, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getdeposithistory({ currency : 'BTC' }, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.getbalance({ currency : 'BTC' }, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
bittrex.withdraw({ currency : 'BTC', quantity : '1.5112', address : 'THE_ADDRESS' }, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
Installing test gear
npm install --only=dev
Running all tests
npm test tests
or individually
npm test tests/public.js
npm test tests/private.js
Testing private method endpoints requires an api key/secret which should be
installed in to tests/config.json
- you will find an example file in
cp tests/tests_example.json tests/config.json
vim tests/config.json