
Performances comparison

  • Reference implementation (« gdal ») : gdal git commit b417a2ed57c5f4

  • Compared implementations

    • « mine » : oslandia
  • Rasters :

    • SRTM_36_03.tif
    • SRTM_36_04.tif
    • SRTM_37_03.tif

Command :

gdal_contour -i 10 raster.tif out.shp
time(mine) mem(mine) count(mine) time(gdal) mem(gdal) count(gdal)
SRTM_36_03 6.5s 91MB 128630 24s 88MB 128529
SRTM_36_04 38s 320MB 384139 146s 274MB 384121
SRTM_37_03 19.5s 443MB 343151 100s 367MB 343143

The new implementation is way faster than the initial one. About 3 times faster, and up to 5 times in certain cases. However, it demands a little bit more RAM (up to about 20% more). The new implementation generates a similar amount of features (less than 0.1% of difference).

Valgrind/massif output


Command:            /home/hme/src/gdal_gh/gdal/apps/.libs/gdal_contour -i 10 /data/gis/srtm/srtm_36_03.tif /data/gis/srtm/out_mine.shp
Massif arguments:   (none)
ms_print arguments: massif.out.13054

90.85^                                                                       #
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   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Gi
     0                                                                   18.56


Command:            gdal_contour -i 10 /data/gis/srtm/srtm_36_03.tif /data/gis/srtm/out_gdal.shp
Massif arguments:   (none)
ms_print arguments: massif.out.13275

88.09^                                                                       #
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   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Gi
     0                                                                   103.3