
SYSEX documentation for some MIDI controllers


System Exclusive messages are special MIDI messages of variable size. They are used for device-specific communication. In particular, lots of physical devices that are known as MIDI controllers can usually be configured by sending specially crafted SYSEX MIDI messages.

SYSEX messages

SYSEX messages are of variable size. They are formed of a prefix byte F0 and a suffix byte F7. All bytes between these two markers can only be coded on 7 bits, i.e. bytes values should always be <= 127.

F0 .. .. .. .. F7


Usually a device aware of SYSEX messages respond to a generic SYSEX ID request.

The Identity Request message is formed of the following bytes:

Byte Description
F0 SysEx
7E Non-Realtime
7F The SysEx channel. Could be from 0x00 to 0x7F. Here we set it to "disregard channel".
06 Sub-ID -- General Information
01 Sub-ID2 -- Identity Request
F7 End of SysEx

See https://www.midi.org/specifications-old/item/manufacturer-id-numbers for a list of manufacturer IDs

Arturia MIDI controllers

(F0 and F7 prefix/suffix bytes are omitted in the following)

Arturia Minilab mk II


Byte Description
7E Non-Realtime
06 Sub-ID -- General Information
02 Sub-ID2 -- Identity Reply
00 20 6B Arturia manufacturer ID
02 00 04 02 aa bb cc dd Minilab mk ii Model ID
aa bb cc dd = 53 09 00 01 => firmware version
aa bb cc dd = 0e 02 01 01 => firmware version

Specific SYSEX commands

Specific SYSEX commands are always prefixed by the following byte sequence: 00 20 6B 7F 42

The byte following this sequence is the command to execute.

01 - Read a value

This command asks the device to output part of its internal state.

The general form of a read value command is (prefix ommited):

Value Description
01 Read value
pp Parameter pp
bb Button ID bb

The "button" ID bb refers to which knob or pad a parameter is to be retrieved.

02 - write a value

This command updates the internal state by changing a parameter value of a knob or pad.

The general form of a write value command is (prefix ommited):

Value Description
02 Write value
pp Parameter pp
bb Button ID bb
vv Value vv

Regular knobs

Knobs 2 to 8 and 10 to 16 are regular knobs, or rotary encoders. Their main purpose is to send a CC midi message when they are rotated.

bb = "Button" ID Designation
01 Knob 2
02 Knob 3
03 Knob 4
04 Knob 5
05 Knob 6
06 Knob 7
07 Knob 8
08 Knob 10
09 Knob 11
0A Knob 12
0B Knob 13
0C Knob 14
0D Knob 15
0E Knob 16
30 Knob 1
32 Knob 1 + shift
33 Knob 9
35 Knob 9 + shift

Available parameters for regular knobs:

pp = Parameter Description Possible values RW
00 Current CC value 0 - 127 RW
01 Mode 00 = OFF RW
01 = Control (default)
04 = NRPN
02 Channel MIDI channel RW
03 CC number / NRPN data entry If mode = Control RW
0-127: CC number
If mode = NRPN
00 = 1:128
01 = 1:64
02 = 1:32
03 = 1:16
04 = 1:8
05 = 1:4
06 = 1:2
07 = 1:1
04 If mode = NRPN, LSB 0-127 RW
05 If mode = NRPN, MSB 0-127 RW
06 Option If mode = Control RW
00 = Absolute
01 = Relative 1
02 = Relative 2
03 = Relative 3


bb = "Button" ID Designation
10 Oct -
11 Oct +
2E Shift
2F Button "Pad 1-8/9-16"

Buttons send their state when they are pressed / released.

Available parameters for buttons:

pp = Parameter Description Possible values RW
00 Current state 00 = released R
7F = pressed

The Shift button is a simple button with two states: released or pressed.

"Oct -" and "Oct +" buttons allow us to change the current octave of the piano keyboard. Open question: is there a way to get the current selected octave ? to set it ?

The last button allows to switch between pads 1-8 and pads 9-16. Open question: is there a way to get the current pads selection ? to set it ?

Pitch bend

bb = "Button" ID Designation
41 Pitch bend
pp = Parameter Description Possible values RW
00 Current state 0-127 RW
01 Mode 00 = OFF RW
10 = Picth bend
06 Option 00 - Default RW
01 - Hold

Modulation (slider)


Knob buttons

bb = "Button" ID Designation
31 Knob 1 button
34 Knob 9 button


bb = "Button" ID Designation
70 Pad 1
71 Pad 2
72 Pad 3
73 Pad 4
74 Pad 5
75 Pad 6
76 Pad 7
77 Pad 8
78 Pad 9
79 Pad 10
7A Pad 11
7B Pad 12
7C Pad 13
7D Pad 14
7E Pad 15
7F Pad 16
pp = Parameter Description Possible values RW
00 Current state 0-127 RW
01 Mode 00 = OFF RW
07 = MMC
08 = Switched
09 = MIDI note
0B = Patch change
02 Channel 0X = Channel X RW
0x41 = Channel "Keyboard" (?)
03 CC / Note If mode in [08,09] => note RW
Else => CC
04 Off value 0-127 RW
05 On value 0-127 RW
06 Option 00 = Toggle RW
01 = Gate
If mode = MMC
01 = Stop
02 = Play
03 = Deferred play
04 = Fast forward
05 = Rewind
06 = Record Strobe
07 = Record Exit
08 = Record Ready
09 = Pause
0A = Eject
0B = Chase
0C = InList Reset
10 Set color 00 = Black / None W
01 = Red
04 = Green
05 = Yellow
10 = Blue
11 = Purple
14 = Cyan
7F = White
10 Set toggle color 00 = Black / None W
01 = Red
04 = Green
05 = Yellow
10 = Blue
11 = Purple
14 = Cyan
7F = White

Global settings

FIXME: also modulation ? (slider)

bb = ID Designation
40 Special ID for global settings
pp = Parameter Description Possible values RW
02 Modulation channel ? RW
06 Keyboard channel ? RW
19 Key velocity curve 00 = Linear RW
01 = Logarithmic
02 = Exponential
03 = Full (?)
1A Pad velocity curve 00 = Linear RW
01 = Logarithmic
02 = Exponential
03 = Full (?)
1B Knob acceleration 00 = Slow RW
01 = Medium
02 = Fast
1D (new in 1.1.2) Octave button blink 00 = OFF RW
7F = ON
1E (new in 1.1.2) Pad off backlight 00 = OFF RW
7F = ON