
Yet Another Sh***y NES Emulator

Primary LanguageC++

Yet Another Sh----y NES Emulator

YASNES is an unfinished NES emulator written in C++.

It is the result of a personal experiment about how to write an emulator. The NES platform has been chosen because of the fond memories of my childhood I have with it and the comprehensive documentation one can found.

Overall it was a very joyful experience. Being able to play Super Mario Bros, even at a very low framerate, without sound and with visual glitches is fascinating. It is a bit as if I made a cool game, except I did not of course. Watching the game being playable little by little for each small bugfix added gives a very nice motivation.

The current state is something like:

  • the CPU emulation should be close to 100% ok,
  • the PPU (graphics unit) has bugs that result in strange colors and some glitches around sprites (see Super Mario Bros scren shots below),
  • the APU (sound unit) is not covered at all

No optimisation has been investigated, the emulation is quite naive and slow, even on modern pieces of hardware.


You'll need SDL 2 to compile it (sudo apt install libsdl2-dev on Debian-like systems)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

A CPU test suite is provided. You can run it with e.g.: ./nes ../data/nestest.nes

Embedded debugger

The emulator starts paused on the first instruction and a small debugger prompt.

The following commands are available:

  • c : continue the emulation
  • s (step) : execute the next instruction and pause again
  • b <addr> : break when the address addr is encountered
  • bf : break on next video frame
  • bdf : disable break on video frame
  • bd : disable breakpoints
  • v : dump some PPU internals
  • vdump <file> : dump the current video memory to a file
  • p <sprite> : output the content of the sprite number <sprite> as text
  • k : display current controller state
  • k a|b|select|start|up|down|right|left 0|1 : set controller button's state
  • w <addr> r|w : add a watch on a memory address
  • q : quit

Keyboard controls

There is only one game controller hard mapped to the host keyboard with:

  • a -> A button
  • b -> B button
  • <space> -> select
  • <return> -> start
  • <left> -> left
  • <right> -> right
  • <up> -> up
  • <down> -> down

The p key allows to pause the emulation and switch to the embedded debugger.


NEST test