
Open-metrics endpoint for ONTAP

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NetApp Harvest 2.0

The swiss-army knife for monitoring datacenters. The default package collects performance, capacity and hardware metrics from ONTAP clusters. New metrics can be collected by editing the config files. Metrics can be delivered to Prometheus and InfluxDB databases - and displayed in Grafana dashboards.

Harvest's architecture is flexible in how it collects, augments, and exports data. Think of it as a framework for running collectors and exporters concurrently. You are more than welcome to contribute your own collector, plugin or exporter (start with our ARCHITECTURE.md).


Harvest is written in Go, which means it runs on recent Linux systems. It also runs on Macs, but the process isn't as smooth yet.

Optional prerequisites:

  • dialog or whiptail (used by the config utility)
  • openssl (used by config)

Hardware requirements depend on how many clusters you monitor and the number of metrics you chose to collect. With the default configuration, when monitoring 10 clusters, we recommend:

  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 1 GB
  • Disk: 500 MB (mostly used by log files)

Harvest is compatible with:

  • Prometheus: 2.24 or higher
  • InfluxDB: v2
  • Grafana: 8.1.X or higher
  • Docker: 20.10.0 or higher

Installation / Upgrade

We provide pre-compiled binaries for Linux, RPMs, and Debs.

Pre-compiled Binaries


Visit the Releases page and copy the tar.gz link you want to download. For example, to download the v21.08.0 release:

wget https://github.com/NetApp/harvest/releases/download/v21.08.0/harvest-21.08.0-6_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar -xvf harvest-21.08.0-6_linux_amd64.tar.gz
cd harvest-21.08.0-6_linux_amd64

# Run Harvest with the default unix localhost collector
bin/harvest start

If you don't have wget installed, you can use curl like so:

curl -L -O https://github.com/NetApp/harvest/releases/download/v21.08.0/harvest-21.08.0-6_linux_amd64.tar.gz

It's best to run Harvest as a non-root user. Make sure the user running Harvest can write to /var/log/harvest/ or tell Harvest to write the logs somewhere else with the HARVEST_LOGS environment variable.

If something goes wrong, examine the logs files in /var/log/harvest, check out the troubleshooting section of the wiki and jump onto Slack and ask for help.


Follow the steps below to upgrade Harvest

Stop harvest

cd <existing harvest directory>
bin/harvest stop

Verify that all pollers have stopped:

bin/harvest status
pgrep --full '\-\-poller'  # should return nothing if all pollers are stopped

Follow the instructions above to download and install Harvest and then copy your old harvest.yml into the new install directory like so:

cp /path/to/old/harvest/harvest.yml /path/to/new/harvest.yml

After upgrade, you should re-import all dashboards (either grafana import cli or grafana UI) to get any new enhancements in dashboards.


Installation and upgrade of the Harvest package may require root or administrator privileges

Download the latest rpm of Harvest from the releases tab and install or upgrade with yum.

  $ sudo yum install|upgrade harvest.XXX.rpm

Once the installation has finished, edit the harvest.yml configuration file located in /opt/harvest/harvest.yml

After editing /opt/harvest/harvest.yml, manage Harvest with systemctl start|stop|restart harvest.

After upgrade, you should re-import all dashboards (either grafana import cli or grafana UI) to get any new enhancements in dashboards.

To ensure that you don't run into permission issues, make sure you manage Harvest using systemctl instead of running the harvest binary directly.

Changes install makes

  • Directories /var/log/harvest/ and /var/log/run/ are created
  • A harvest user and group are created and the installed files are chowned to harvest
  • Systemd /etc/systemd/system/harvest.service file is created and enabled


Installation and upgrade of the Harvest package may require root or administrator privileges

Download the latest deb of Harvest from the releases tab and install or upgrade with apt.

  $ sudo apt update
  $ sudo apt install|upgrade ./harvest-<RELEASE>.amd64.deb

Once the installation has finished, edit the harvest.yml configuration file located in /opt/harvest/harvest.yml

After editing /opt/harvest/harvest.yml, manage Harvest with systemctl start|stop|restart harvest.

After upgrade, You should re-import all dashboards (either grafana import cli or grafana UI) to get any new enhancements in dashboards.

To ensure that you don't run into permission issues, make sure you manage Harvest using systemctl instead of running the harvest binary directly.

Changes install makes

  • Directories /var/log/harvest/ and /var/log/run/ are created
  • A harvest user and group are created and the installed files are chowned to harvest
  • Systemd /etc/systemd/system/harvest.service file is created and enabled


Building from source

To build Harvest from source code, first make sure you have a working Go environment with version 1.15 or greater installed.

Clone the repo and build everything.

git clone https://github.com/NetApp/harvest.git
cd harvest
make build
bin/harvest version

If you're building on a Mac use GOOS=darwin make build

Checkout the Makefile for other targets of interest.

Build Binaries

Refer Build Binaries

Quick start

1. Configuration file

Harvest's configuration information is defined in harvest.yml. There are a few ways to tell Harvest how to load this file:

  • If you don't use the --config flag, the harvest.yml file located in the current working directory will be used

  • If you specify the --config flag like so harvest status --config /opt/harvest/harvest.yml, Harvest will use that file

To start collecting metrics, you need to define at least one poller and one exporter in your configuration file. The default configuration comes with a pre-configured poller named unix which collects metrics from the local system. This is useful if you want to monitor resource usage by Harvest and serves as a good example. Feel free to delete it if you want.

The next step is to add pollers for your ONTAP clusters in the Pollers section of the configuration file. Refer to the Harvest Configuration Section for more details.

2. Start Harvest

Start all Harvest pollers as daemons:

$ bin/harvest start

Or start a specific poller(s):

$ bin/harvest start jamaica grenada

Replace jamaica and grenada with the poller names you defined in harvest.yml. The logs of each poller can be found in /var/log/harvest/.

3. Import Grafana dashboards

The Grafana dashboards are located in the $HARVEST_HOME/grafana directory. You can manually import the dashboards or use the harvest grafana command (more documentation).

Note: the current dashboards specify Prometheus as the datasource. If you use the InfluxDB exporter, you will need to create your own dashboards.

4. Verify the metrics

If you use a Prometheus Exporter, open a browser and navigate to (replace 12990 with the port number of your poller). This is the Harvest created HTTP end-point for your Prometheus exporter. This page provides a real-time generated list of running collectors and names of exported metrics.

The metric data that's exposed for Prometheus to scrap is available at For more help on how to configure Prometheus DB, see the Prometheus exporter documentation.

If you can't access the URL, check the logs of your pollers. These are located in /var/log/harvest/.

5. (Optional) Setup Systemd service files

If you're running Harvest on a system with Systemd, you may want to take advantage of systemd instantiated units to manage your pollers.

Harvest Configuration

The main configuration file, harvest.yml, consists of the following sections, described below:


All pollers are defined in harvest.yml, the main configuration file of Harvest, under the section Pollers.

parameter type description default
Poller name (header) required Poller name, user-defined value
datacenter required Datacenter name, user-defined value
addr required by some collectors IPv4 or FQDN of the target system
collectors required List of collectors to run for this poller
exporters required List of exporter names from the Exporters section. Note: this should be the name of the exporter (e.g. prometheus1), not the value of the exporter key (e.g. Prometheus)
auth_style required by Zapi* collectors Either basic_auth or certificate_auth basic_auth
username, password required if auth_style is basic_auth
ssl_cert, ssl_key optional if auth_style is certificate_auth Absolute paths to SSL (client) certificate and key used to authenticate with the target system.

If not provided, the poller will look for <hostname>.key and <hostname>.pem in $HARVEST_HOME/cert/.

To create certificates for ONTAP systems, see using certificate authentication
use_insecure_tls optional, bool If true, disable TLS verification when connecting to ONTAP cluster false
labels optional, list of key-value pairs Each of the key-value pairs will be added to a poller's metrics. Details below
log_max_bytes Maximum size of the log file before it will be rotated 10000000 (10 mb)
log_max_files Number of rotated log files to keep 10
log optional, list of collector names Matching collectors log their ZAPI request/response


This section is optional. If there are parameters identical for all your pollers (e.g. datacenter, authentication method, login preferences), they can be grouped under this section. The poller section will be checked first and if the values aren't found there, the defaults will be consulted.


All exporters need two types of parameters:

  • exporter parameters - defined in harvest.yml under Exporters section
  • export_options - these options are defined in the Matrix datastructure that is emitted from collectors and plugins

The following two parameters are required for all exporters:

parameter type description default
Exporter name (header) required Name of the exporter instance, this is a user-defined value
exporter required Name of the exporter class (e.g. Prometheus, InfluxDB, Http) - these can be found under the cmd/exporters/ directory

Note: when we talk about the Prometheus Exporter or InfluxDB Exporter, we mean the Harvest modules that send the data to a database, NOT the names used to refer to the actual databases.


This section is optional. You can uncomment the grafana_api_token key and add your Grafana API token so harvest does not prompt you for the key when importing dashboards.

  #grafana_api_token: 'aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd'

Configuring collectors

Collectors are configured by their own configuration files (templates), which are stored in subdirectories in conf/. Most collectors run concurrently and collect a subset of related metrics. For example, node related metrics are grouped together and run independently of the disk related metrics. Below is a snippet from conf/zapi/default.yaml

In this example, the default.yaml template contains a list of objects (e.g. Node) that reference sub-templates (e.g. node.yaml). This decomposition groups related metrics together and at runtime, a Zapi collector per object will be created and each of these collectors will run concurrently.

Using the snippet below, we expect there to be four Zapi collectors running, each with a different subtemplate and object.

collector:          Zapi
  Node:             node.yaml
  Aggregate:        aggr.yaml
  Volume:           volume.yaml
  SnapMirror:       snapmirror.yaml

At start-up, Harvest looks for two files (default.yaml and custom.yaml) in the conf directory of the collector (e.g. conf/zapi/default.yaml). The default.yaml is installed by default, while the custom.yaml is an optional file you can create to add new templates.

When present, the custom.yaml file will be merged with the default.yaml file. This behavior can be overridden in your harvest.yml, see here for an example.

For a list of collector-specific parameters, see the documentation of each collector.


Labels offer a way to add additional key-value pairs to a poller's metrics. These allow you to tag a cluster's metrics in a cross-cutting fashion. Here's an example:

    datacenter: DC-01
      - org: meg       # add an org label with the value "meg"
      - ns:  rtp       # add a namespace label with the value "rtp"

These settings add two key-value pairs to each metric collected from cluster-03 like this:

node_vol_cifs_write_data{org="meg",ns="rtp",datacenter="DC-01",cluster="cluster-03",node="umeng-aff300-05"} 10

Keep in mind that each unique combination of key-value pairs increases the amount of stored data. Use them sparingly. See PrometheusNaming for details.