
JavaScript interface to OpenNMS

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OpenNMS Javascript API CircleCI

A client API for accessing the OpenNMS network monitoring platform.

Using the OpenNMS.js APIs In Your Code

Information on getting started and how to use the API is in the HOWTO document.

The complete API list is available at docs.opennms.org.

Using the OpenNMS.js Command Line

  1. install Node.js
  2. run sudo npm install -g opennms
  3. run opennms --help for a list of possible commands


The CHANGELOG will be updated as releases occur, and should always be accessible here.


To build this project, first install yarn:

npm install -g yarn

Then run yarn to fetch all dependencies:


Then you can run yarn to build or test the project:

  • yarn dist - run tests and lint, and build the complete tree in dist/
  • yarn dev - build a development version of the API in dist/opennms.js and dist/opennms.node.js
  • yarn build - build the development and production versions of the API in dist/
  • yarn docs - build the docs in dist/docs/
  • yarn watch - continuously build the development version in dist/opennms.js
  • yarn test - run the tests
  • yarn watch-test - continuously run the tests
  • yarn cli -- <arguments> - run the CLI test tool (try --help for options)

Reporting Bugs or Feature Requests

OpenNMS.js issues are tracked in the OpenNMS issue tracker: https://issues.opennms.org/browse/JS

Debugging Tests

On MAC OS X with WebStorm v2017.2 debugging tests may not work. See jestjs/jest#1652 for more details. The described solution there is to add --env jest-environment-node-debug as argument to the runtime configuration.