
This web app allows to annotate Keyword in Context indices (KWIC) with lemmata, senses and parts of speech in an effective way.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This web app allows to annotate Keyword in Context indices (KWIC) with lemmata, senses and parts of speech in an effective way.


Getting started

Database configuration

Configure properties for the JAVA Persistence API (JPA) from the profiles section in the POM (pom.xml).

Set at least values for db.username, db.password, db.url and db.hbm2ddl.auto for the development profile and configure your database accordingly.


Database setup

Create database with example password set in pom.xml.

CREATE DATABASE lemming CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'lemming'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*621A4911FB62A456C58A01430B98DE34500A876F';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `lemming`.* TO 'lemming'@'localhost';


There is one local dependency for a Git submodule of diff-match-patch.

cd submodule/diff-match-patch
git checkout pom.xml
mvn clean package deploy
cd ../..

Just execute the following commands in the terminal. Maven downloads all additional dependencies automatically. During first startup some supplied data is written to the database (lemma.json and pos.json). This will take a few minutes to complete. Besides a default user is created.

Username: admin, Password: admin


This command starts an embedded Jetty application server. After startup one can access the app on localhost:8080.

mvn clean compile package jetty:run-war -Denvironment=development


During the package phase a WAR file is created. Put it in Jetty’s $JETTY_HOME/webapps directory as root.war.

mvn clean compile package -Denvironment=deployment


Lemming is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.