jsonnet nested local dependency bug demo

This repository demonstrates a bug with the jsonnet-bundler tool in failing to install nested local dependencies.

To exercise the bug, switch to src/root_module and run jb install.

Expected outcome

Dependencies are installed to library modules module_A and module_B in the root module.

Actual outcome

An error is rendered to the user's screen:

$ jb install ../../lib/module_A
LOCAL module_A -> /Users/matt/code/jb_local_nested_dep_example/lib/module_A
jb: error: failed to install packages: downloading: symlink destination path does not exist: %w: stat /jb_local_nested_dep_example/src/module_B: no such file or directory

This error is exhibited with jb version 0.4.0 and the top of tree at time of writing: https://github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler/commit/6bb2d1af6c8a6522cfe74e7a9cf49619d18448a1.

The following PR corrects the issue: jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler#151.