OOP/ES6 Lecture Guide


  • Hear about some of the OOP terms and concepts
  • See some of the ES6 syntax

Browser and Node Support

Not all browsers support ES6. See this chart for details: https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/.

Our objective is to see the syntax and talk about some OOP concepts. Browsers and Node.js support don't support all ES6 features. That said, you can transpile i.e. convert ES6 syntax to ES5 using a tool called Babel. They do have a grunt plugin, so it is doable using tools we already have seen.

Additionally, not all ES6 syntax is supported by node.

New language features trickle down to Node.js in phases. Node uses Google’s V8 JavaScript engine for language implementation. New language features in Node depend on them being implemented first in V8. The V8 project pushes forward steadily and the team releases a new version roughly every six weeks. Then it’s up to the Node team to take up the new changes and incorporate them in Node.js.

Resource: https://bytearcher.com/articles/how-to-check-if-node-implements-es6-language-feature/
