- 3
- 4
Create image from tar without untar ?
#247 opened by zcattacz - 6
build issue
#238 opened by LargePrime - 27
- 3
some targets install to lib even when CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR is set to lib64
#240 opened by silentnoodlemaster - 4
[Feature Request] Partial extract by pattern
#243 opened by VHSgunzo - 4
- 12
- 7
Gentoo ebuild for v0.10.0
#230 opened by mhx - 5
Allow mounting of merged filesystems
#239 opened by ruanformigoni - 17
Storing data in case insensitive format
#232 opened by mobedoor - 5
Please ignore.
#246 opened - 1
- 28
Homebrew formula
#214 opened by mhx - 3
[Feature Request] Provide non-generic packaging CI for major linux distributions
#225 opened by mardab - 4
Window's build can't bind some files (big one)
#231 opened by Namke - 2
Fails to link after boost update
#237 opened by silentnoodlemaster - 1
error loading libraries
#236 opened by elit3rjmg - 2
Docker storage driver possible?
#233 opened by reneleonhardt - 15
Build fails when tests enabled
#188 opened by hackernoodle - 2
exception thrown in worker thread: class dwarfs::runtime_error: lzma_stream_encoder
#224 opened by mindfocus - 2
Vendor fbthrift & folly using vcpkg
#223 opened by c8ef - 5
Cannot build v0.9.9 on Ubuntu 22.04
#221 opened by Evaia - 2
Segfault when using the mold linker
#220 opened by MasterDuke17 - 8
Unexpected exception: `inode has no file (any)`
#217 opened by tpwrules - 9
read scalability issues with large archives
#216 opened by cyril42e - 1
- 4
- 2
[Core Dump] Signal 7 (SIGBUS) (code: nonexistent physical address) on making archive of currently running OS (possibly bad use case)
#213 opened by samuelwatsonofficial - 5
[MacOS] DwarFS mount not seen through Finder
#211 opened by rraihansaputra - 13
mkdwarfs always crashes with SIGABRT
#210 opened by paisleyrob - 4
- 10
cannot enter subdirs of overlayed dwarfs
#204 opened by cipitaua - 6
- 0
Fuse Passthrough
#206 opened by nlgranger - 2
Error while building
#205 opened by EpicSmiley - 4
- 1
Some operating systems require a new folder/directory, others don't mount unless a directory already exists (non-universal binary)
#202 opened by samuelwatsonofficial - 3
fails to build with google-glog 0.7.0
#201 opened by silentnoodlemaster - 2
Idea: LZAV compression algorithm
#198 opened by RarogCmex - 2
Unable to detect duplicate data between game savefiles of 30Mb each
#199 opened by samuelwatsonofficial - 3
failed opening file: The system cannot find the file specified. (windows)
#196 opened by samuelwatsonofficial - 2
Ricepp tries to add nonexistent googletest directory even if -DPREFER_SYSTEM_GTEST=ON is set
#194 opened by RarogCmex - 3
- 8
Ability to view files in the archive
#192 opened by adamantida - 4
Invalid UTF-8 (Core Dump)
#191 opened by samuelwatsonofficial - 1
Kernel level implementation
#186 opened by shadichy - 3
- 8
- 3
dwarfs 0.7.3 doesn't use section index properly
#183 opened by tpwrules