
Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) for Foreground Detection in Video - MATLAB

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Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) for Foreground Detection in Video

by J. Barhydt1

University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195


Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) has arisen as an incredibly value tool in decomposing nonlinear systems in order to model underlying dynamics. DMD offers a different set of modes than other dimensional reduction methods, such as singular value decomposition (SVD) and principal component analysis (PCA) in that DMD offers oscillatory time resolution of the underlying modes, such that each mode contains both spatial and temporal information. Oscillatory behavior shows up in many physical systems, giving DMD analysis a greater ability to 'capture' these dynamics. In this paper, DMD is used to separate foreground from background in a video stream, under the assumption that a background has more fixed time-dynamics than a moving and changing foreground.

1- This report uses Extended Yale Faces B Database: http://vision.ucsd.edu/~iskwak/ExtYaleDatabase/ExtYaleB.html

Introduction and Overview


Foreground detection is a task that humans --and many animals-- can do quite naturally. Anyone who has seen the movie Jurassic Park can attest to the T-Rex's weak ability to detect foreground. In a sense, the DMD method will function quite similarly. By decomposing the video into basis spatio-temporal modes, the DMD method allows one to 'pick out' modes with the lowest oscillations frequency, which constitutes the low-rank 'background'. In a video with a static background, this mode hardly changes at all, although if the background changes over time, the DMD allows a way to 'update' the background over time. This could be valuable in foreground-background separation in shaky footage, or surveillance video streams, where the background experiences changes caused by weather, parked cars, loss of daylight, etc.

In this paper, two video streams, representing 'easy' and 'hard' background detection are used. The easy video includes passersby on a street outside of a cafe, where the camera was steadily rested on a table, whereas the hard background video was taken by hand and features several dogs running around a park. The foreground detection ability was compared between simple SVD and DMD analysis. Ultimately, the methods used in this paper will not surpass the ability of the T-Rex since DMD, too relies on motion to separate the background and foreground.

Theoretical Background


The DMD procedure broadly operates on the following mechanism: given that some collected data is organized into frames in time, each measurement can be organized into a column an acted upon by an operator A, known as the Koopman operator, which takes the vectorized data from one point in time (xi) to the next (xi+1) following Equation 1. If the system were perfectly linear, this operator would remain constant in time. If the dynamics are nonlinear, however, this operator will change in time as well. Fortunately, for our case we are making the assumption that A is reasonably constant over the duration of the video. This works out mostly because the pixel space (32k pixels per frame) is much smaller than the time space (3-400 frames). If the dynamics required it, A could easily be 'chopped up' into shorter, more linear periods of time.


In this paper's approach, rather than finding A directly, dimensionality reduction allows to take only the most dominant (low-rank) modes of the system, and capture their time dynamics, for background subtraction. Therefore, we look for a representation of (which contains all of the columns stacked side-by-side) in the basis of , from the SVD of (which equivalently contains the columns.) As such, the time operator that was used is , which is defined as . Given the definition of the SVD (i.e. , follows from Equations 2 through 5.





Ultimately then, we are left with an operator which, when acted upon by a matrix produces approximately the Koopman operator A multiplied by that matrix, yielding an eigenvalue equation. Thus, by taking the eigendecomposition of S, our DMD modes can be constructed. It is important to remember that the above is merely a linear approximation, however the eigendecomposition still holds. Since A and S are related by a similarity transform (unitary rotation & dilation), they share eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The DMD modes, , are then given from the projection of these eigenvectors, , onto the original SVD basis, via . For considering the oscillatory nature of the data, the eigenvalues, are related to complex exponentials, via Equation 6, which can be rewritten in terms of .


It is from these terms that the DMD time-dynamics are contained, and thus determines how each mode is affected in time. Then, the dynamics of the basis mode, U, is given by the sum over all basis states, or


where is a diagonal matrix of the terms and comes from the boundary condition determined by , where is the first SVD basis mode. Finally, the background separation comes from the fact that the low rank modes (background) have small changes in time, and thus their terms are much smaller in magnitude. It should also be noted that by 'pulling out' these low rank modes, the remaining values are make up the sparse information in the video. Since the sparse values are not part of the background detection, this resulting remainder matrix will also absorb time dynamics which are not resolved. Furthermore, only the absolute value of the low-rank DMD modes are taken, to eliminate possible negative pixel values (which are not allowed in pixel space). These values are also absorbed into that sparse representation, thus preserving .

Figure 1. (left) Normalized Spectrum (log-scale) of Original Data SVD Modes. (right) Plot of Exponential Eigenvalues and Unit Circle in Complex Plane.

Figure 2. (left) Real and Imaginary Components of Time-Dynamics of the first Mode (left) and Minimum Oscillation Mode(right) showing Amplitude over the first 50 Frames.

Algorithm Implementation and Development


Once imported, the video is appropriately rescaled (to reduce computation time) and colummated. This is the most time-consuming part of the algorithm, and as such the matrix is saved so the video can be rerun through different methods if needed. Ideally, the video stream would come into the program already in the necessary format. Then, two matrices are constructed from the original, representing the two data matrices of Equation 2. Since the matrices are shifted, a single frame is lost, and the number of frames is adjusted accordingly. SVD decomposition, along with calculation of the components of S follow exactly from Equation 5. Again, the time dynamics follow Equations 6 and 7 directly, where the timestep is set as 1 (since the space between each frame is identical in time.) Thus becomes the 'background' whose absolute value is subtracted from each frame after normalization. The normalization simply follows from subtracting the minimum value of the background, BG, by the BG itself and then dividing by the range in BG. Once the original frame is subtracted from the background, it is the 'foreground' which remains, and a filter is applied to extract a logical matrix from the result, to be used as a filter. After the background filters are returned, they can be utilized raw, or multiplied by the video matrix to extract a foreground. Ultimately, the implementation of the DMD method is very straightforward.

**Figure 3. Results of DMD Foreground Detection on 'Easy' Video at Frame 39. **

**(top left) Original Frame (top right) Low-Rank Background **

(bottom left) Foreground Detection (bottom right) Foreground Filtered From Original

Figure 4. DMD Background Comparison Between First (left) and Last (right) Frames of 'Hard' Video.

Computational Results


To set the stage for the decomposition, the SVD spectrum of the data matrix is shown on the left in Figure 1. It can be seen that the majority of the structure is contained in a very low-rank space. In the spectrum above, the first mode contained 38% of the magnitude of all modes, and thusly has much of the spatial information enclosed. Furthermore, the oscillatory eigenvalues are plotted on the right of Figure 1, showing that most modes are neither damping or growing, since their absolute values are less than 1. To compare oscillation rate of various modes, is shown for both the first mode and the measured minimum over the first 50 frames of the 'hard' video. These low frequency modes dominate the 'background space' since they change little over time.

For the 'easy' video, the background changed very little, and the results of DMD separation and filtering are shown in Figure 3. Frame 39 was chosen since there was a lot of movement at that time (car driving by, pedestrians up close and far away, etc.) The 'hard' video required a bit more comparison, since the background was much more dynamic. Figure 4 demonstrates the subtle changes in the DMD background between the first and last frames of the 'hard' video. The evolution of the background frame, from which the foreground/background separation is made, shows the ability of the DMD method to effectively track background changes and 'flow' with them. Figure 5 represents the same results as Figure 3, but rather analyzing the 'hard' video. Frame 275 was chosen for comparison following the same logic as before.

**Figure 5. Results of DMD Foreground Detection on 'Hard' Video at Frame 39. **

**(top left) Original Frame (top right) Low-Rank Background **

(bottom left) Foreground Detection (bottom right) Foreground Filtered From Original

Figure 5. Comparison Between DMD Background (left) and SVD Background (right)

Finally, comparing the DMD foreground detection with SVD (with its static low-rank approximation) is shown in Figure 6, where it can be clearly how much the background has changed, given that the SVD method essentially determines everything as being part of the 'foreground' since the entire frame has changed, from the shaky nature of the original footage.

Summary and Conclusions


For video processing needs, the DMD method allows for much more robust background separation than static methods like SVD, given by its ability to include time-resolved oscillatory behavior to 'update' the background as time progresses. This method could be viable for foreground detection in video streams that have non-ideal (i.e. shaky) background motion, and could even provide for a method of creating a 'green-screen' from raw video, although in practice a user may want to use something like a gaussian filter to 'smooth out' the foreground filter. Without any knowledge of the underlying mechanics driving the oscillations, the DMD method allows for equation-free dimensionality reduction, which can be useful in many fields considering nonlinear behavior.


(MATLAB Functions Used / Description With Example)


function [vid_filter] = mat2fg(X)

%This function accepts a matrix of colummated video snapshots and returns a

%logical filter, separating foreground from background elements, using low

%rank DMD modes. video filter will be similarly colummated, thus reshaping

%would be necessary if original video is to be played.

% construct X_1^{M-1} and X_2^{M}, drop a frame

X1=X(:,1:end-1); X2=X(:,2:end);


% SVD of X_1^{M-1} to construct S



% eigen decomp S for DMD



% form of e^wt





% boundary cond slowest oscillation.


% basis modes --> phi(x,t)= sum( phi(0)*e^wt



% spectra of X1

% figure(1)

% title('Normalized Spectrum of X1 SVD Modes')

% xlabel('SVD Mode')

% ylabel('Relative Mode Strength')

% semilogy(diag(s)/sum(diag(s)))

% spectra of S around complex unit circle

% figure(2)

% plot(cos(0:pi/50:2*pi),sin(0:pi/50:2*pi),imag(lambda),real(lambda),'r.')

% title('Complex Exponential Eigenvalues')

% xlabel('Real Component')

% ylabel('Imaginary Component')

% legend('Unit Circle','Eigenvalues')

% 1st oscillation mode, first 50 frames

% figure(3)

% plot(real(b_e_wt(1,1:50))), hold on

% plot(imag(b_e_wt(1,1:50)),'--')

% title('Oscillation of \omega_1 in Time')

% xlabel('Time (frame#)')

% ylabel('Amplitude')

% legend('Mode Evolution (real)','Mode Evolution (imaginary)')

% subtract vid from bg

% normalize BG, range from 0 to 1

BG = abs(u_dmd);

init_range = double([min(BG(:)) max(BG(:))]);

inv_range = 1/(init_range(2)-init_range(1));

BG = imlincomb(inv_range, BG, -init_range(1)*inv_range, 'double');

% low-rank bg and original

XS=( BG-X1 );

% make fg video filter, value could be tuned, but 1/4 works on all test





% Background/Foreground Separation via Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD)
% Johnathon R Barhydt
% This code takes a video and uses the DMD modes with the smallest
% time-variance to determine background, from which a foreground detection
% filter is made and masked with the original video.
% specs for this run:
% two videos from cell phone, about 10 seconds long. first video is looking
% out the window of a coffee shop, the camera is still. second video is
% held by hand, and shows dogs running around a dog park. background is
% more shaky in the video.
clear all; close all; clc
% video name
% rescale video
% import video
v = VideoReader(vid_name);
n_frames = 1;
while hasFrame(v)
vid = readFrame(v);
video(:,:,:,n_frames) = imresize(vid, [a*v.Height a*v.Width]);
n_frames = n_frames+1;
% video dimensions
% remove fencepost frame
% save video as matrix

% import saved video (redundant if already performed above)
% get camera data
video = importdata(vid_mat);
% create colummated data matrix, one snapshot per column
for i=1:size(video,4)
image = im2double( imresize( rgb2gray(video(:,:,:,i)) ,[im_h im_w] ) );
X(:,i)= reshape(image,[im_h*im_w,1]);

% send data matrix to my DMD function
vid_filter = mat2fg(X);
%% show fg video filter
for i=1:n_frames
frame=reshape( vid_filter(:,i), [im_h im_w]);
imshow(mat2gray(frame)); drawnow
%% show fg filtered video
% triplicate filter for r,g,b channels
A=permute(A,[1 3 2]);
A=reshape( A,[im_h im_w 3 n_frames]);

% filtered video, with BG removed!
f_vid = double(video(:,:,:,1:end-1)).*double(A);

for i=1:n_frames
imshow(uint8(f_vid(:,:,:,i))); drawnow

%% For FUN! this plots ALL oscillation modes and their evolution in space
% figure(1)
% set(gcf, 'Position', get(0, 'Screensize'));
% set(gca,'Ylim',[-.00001 .00001],'Xlim',[-.00001 .00001],'Color','k')
% for i=1:449
% plot(b_e_wt(i,:),'w.-')
% %plot(exp(w(i)*i),'ko')
% set(gca,'Ylim',[-.00001 .00001],'Xlim',[-.00001 .00001],'Color','k')
% pause(0.08)
% drawnow
% end