Bash Shell v.5 with Bash-it, bats and bash-completion based on Alpine Linux as unprivileged User
Consider this Repository as Work in Progress.
You can find Documentation how to use and setup Bash-it in the Main Repository.
Please open only issues related to Docker in this Repository.
docker pull ellerbrock/bash-it
About the Container
As Base Image i use Alpine Linux which is lightweight Distribution with a small surface area for security concerns, but with enough functionality for development and interactive debugging.
To prevent zombie reaping processes i run dumb-init as PID 1 which forwards signals to all processes running in the container.
Example Usage
Start a interactive Bash Shell (default)
docker run -it ellerbrock/bash-it
Use your local ~/.bashrc
settings inside the Container (:ro for read only)
docker run -it -v ~/.bashrc:/home/bashit/.bashrc:ro ellerbrock/bash-it
Map the current directory inside the Container
docker run -it ${PWD}:/data ellerbrock/bash-it
Map a Docker Volume
docker run -it myVolName:/app ellerbrock/bash-it
Copy Data between Volumes
docker run -it \
-v import:/import \
-v export:/export \
ellerbrock/bash-it -c "cp -R /import/* /export"
Backup a Volume to Disk
docker run -it \
-v import:/import \
-v ${PWD}:/export \
ellerbrock/bash-it -c "tar -cvjf /export/backup.tar.bz2 /import/"
Run a Command
docker run -it ellerbrock/bash-it -c "ls -alF /"
Run as root
docker run -it -u root ellerbrock/bash-it