
missing variables

iOSXPC opened this issue · 10 comments

Missing variables that need to have monet theming applied. I build monet telegram themes manually. You have done a great job with this excellent time saving app. I appreciate your work and here's my contribution to help improve development. The Hex colors noted are original ... please revise them as you see fit. You have an excellent understanding of the monet system accents.

chat_inFileBackgroundSelected: CBEAF6
sessions_devicesImage: 969696
chats_actionUnreadPressedBackground: F2F2F2
actionBarDefaultArchived: 6F7A87
dialogScrollGlow: F5F6F7
dialog_inlineProgress: 6B7378
picker_badgeText: FFFFFF
chat_shareBackgroundSelected: 728FA699
chat_outSentCheckRead: 5DB050
changephoneinfo_image2: 50A7EA
chat_botProgress: FFFFFF
dialogTopBackground: 6FB2E5
chat_attachPhotoBackground: 00000008
featuredStickers_buttonProgress: FFFFFF
contextProgressInner3: B3B3B3
contextProgressInner2: BFDFF6
contextProgressInner4: CACDD0
location_sendLiveLocationIcon: FFFFFF
chat_outSentCheckReadSelected: 5DB050
windowBackgroundWhiteRedText3: D24949
windowBackgroundWhiteRedText6: FF6666
featuredStickers_delButtonPressed: C64949
chats_sentReadCheck: 46AA36
chat_emojiPanelStickerSetNameHighlight: 278DDB
actionBarDefaultArchivedSelector: 5E6772
chat_attachUnactiveTab: 92999E
actionBarDefaultArchivedSearch: FFFFFF
dialogLinkSelection: 62A9E333
contextProgressOuter3: FFFFFF
contextProgressOuter4: 2F3438
contextProgressOuter2: FFFFFF
chat_attachPermissionMark: E25050
chat_messagePanelPressedSend: FFFFFF
chat_inUpCall: FF4848
actionBarDefaultArchivedIcon: FFFFFF
dialogFloatingButtonPressed: 4CB4F5
windowBackgroundWhiteGrayLine: DBDBDB
featuredStickers_delButton: D95757
chats_nameMessageArchived_threeLines: 5E5E5E
chat_outUpCall: 00C853
chats_archiveIcon: FFFFFF
chat_emojiPanelStickerSetName: 828B94
chats_nameArchived: 525252
fastScrollText: FFFFFF
avatar_backgroundArchivedHidden: C6C9CC
key_chat_messagePanelVoiceLockShadow: 000000
actionBarBrowser: FFFFFF
musicPicker_buttonBackground: 5CAFEA
chat_recordedVoicePlayPausePressed: D9EAFB
musicPicker_checkbox: 29B6F7
chats_actionUnreadBackground: FFFFFF
actionBarDefaultSearchArchivedPlaceholder: FFFFFF88
chats_archiveText: FFFFFF
chat_inDownCall: 00C853
fastScrollActive: 52A3DB
chat_attachPermissionImage: 333333
login_progressInner: E1EAF2
chat_emojiPanelMasksIconSelected: 62BFE8
actionBarDefaultArchivedTitle: FFFFFF
musicPicker_buttonIcon: FFFFFF
chat_mediaBroadcast: FFFFFF
checkboxDisabled: B0B9C2
passport_authorizeText: FFFFFF
chat_emojiPanelBadgeText: FFFFFF
windowBackgroundWhiteBlueText6: 3A8CCF
calls_callReceivedRedIcon: FF4848
chat_attachPermissionText: 6F777A
stickers_menuSelector: 0000000F
chat_emojiBottomPanelIcon: 8C9197
chat_messagePanelVoiceShadow: 0000000D
chats_menuCloud: FFFFFF
chats_menuItemCheck: 598FBA
windowBackgroundWhiteGrayText7: C6C6C6
windowBackgroundWhiteRedText: CD5A5A
chats_messageArchived: 919191
chat_shareBackground: 728FA666
groupcreate_sectionShadow: 000000
location_sendLocationIcon: FFFFFF
chats_actionUnreadIcon: 737373


79 not used values...

They are used ... in regular telegram ...
The colors are prevalent. I edit them manually to correct the theme.

@iOSXPC Thx. I add a lot of skipped items. But not all. It may take same more time

Left add 49 items😅

No problem, I completely understand this takes time. Keep up the great work.

May I suggest a couple changes for visual optimization

Text selection highlighting ...
In light mode theme:
the selection indicators, which determine positioning of the selector, exactly match the chat_outBubble
possibly need to adjust the colors to be
chat_outBubble = a1-700
chat_outBubbleGradientSelectedOverlay = a1-700
chat_outBubbleSelected = a1-700

In dark mode theme these corrections
chat_inTextSelectionHighlight = n1-900
chat_outTextSelectionHighlight = n1-10
the current highlight colors make text unreadable.

I add all skipped from this post. Thx

@iOSXPC I think this weekends. We are changing app design now.