- 1
Publish this app on F-Droid/IzzyOnDroid
#52 opened by the4anoni - 3
License ?
#74 opened by shuvashish76 - 1
Синтаксическая ошибка
#68 opened by chickenflamingo - 1
Overrides custom colors for names
#70 opened by jasursadikov - 0
- 1
Install problem
#66 opened by Murchik0v - 8
- 0
[Feature Request] Reverse the order of proxies to improve efficiency
#58 opened by developerforeverowo - 4
Black text color of the self-message translation
#63 opened by schqual - 1
Auto dark mode switching problem
#65 opened by MeniViner - 1
[Feature request] Tasker support
#60 opened by NicolaSpadari - 0
Add android 13 predictive back support
#57 opened by TheBossMagnus - 1
Request:- support for mixplorer
#56 opened by soymadip - 2
Icons are too dark in the dark theme
#64 opened by schqual - 1
I am using android 11
#59 opened by Dutta-Sirsendu - 1
I cannot install the application
#55 opened by RutsuKun - 2
Question: What color code is this?
#53 opened by 54m4d - 10
missing variables
#36 opened by iOSXPC - 3
- 4
- 0
Help For Android 11
#45 opened by ToucH9000 - 4
"fix" the light theme consistency
#43 opened by Manu99it - 2
Telegram Beta breaks with themes material you
#44 opened by tvkrsh - 15
Fixes and Additions
#39 opened by iOSXPC - 6
Outline In Chat List
#38 opened by Amorphous404 - 2
Suggestions on a few elements
#37 opened by xyf2018 - 0
Suggestion for Desktop Theme
#34 opened by decipher3114 - 0
- 3
Undo button not visible
#27 opened by tehcneko - 5
Color Issue
#23 opened by ToucH9000 - 2
Text chat out or right bubble text is bugged
#19 opened by zkollz - 8
Color issue
#18 opened by alok-debnath - 2
- 20
What color to use?
#25 opened by dprosan - 2
- 3
Цвет гиперссылки в тёмной теме
#20 opened by Qweasd123tg - 2
Hi, please add themes for Telegram X.
#17 opened by pashapuma - 6
UI: Fix status/navigation bar colors
#16 opened by VladWinner - 1
cant install
#14 opened by Shylent1 - 2
Прошу обновить иконку приложения
#13 opened by iworld2rist - 4
- 1
- 7
Not enough overall contrast for light themes
#8 opened by Minnona - 0
this is not a problem. It would be nice to add 2 activities to the app to be able to automate them. I hope Telegram uses your code... greetings excellent work
#9 opened by Felixnel - 3
Channel header become dark in light Theme V2.0
#10 opened by ne0hp - 6
Status Bar hardly visible in material light theme
#7 opened by ne0hp - 2
- 2
TelegramX support
#2 opened by gokul1630 - 7
Значок ✓ сливается с фоном
#4 opened by VladWinner - 1
Change to default.
#3 opened by avanish1994