
AirBnB clone project: command interpreter to manage your AirBnB objects.

Primary LanguagePython

AirBnB clone

This project contains the first module of the AirBnB clone done as final
project of the Holberton School foundations programme. All source code is
done in Python.

This program works both in interactive and non-interactive mode.

General usage


  • Language: Python3
  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Style guidelines: PEP 8 (version 1.7) || Google Style Python Docstrings


When running interactively, type a command and press return to run it. This console allows for command completion, as well as command history.

´´´ $ ./console.py ´´´ (hbnb) help ´´´ ´´´ Documented commands (type help ): ´´´ ´´´ ... ´´´ (hbnb) quit ´´´ $


This is a list of the different commands, and a description of their function. Most commands accept both an interface syntax ( ) as well as
a more pythonic command-line approach (.). In this case,
values should be separated by a comma.

  • create: Creates a new instance of the given class, saves it, and prints the id.

    Usage: (hbnb) create

      	(hbnb) <class name>.create
  • show: Prints the string representation of an instance based on class name and id.

    Usage: (hbnb) show

      	(hbnb) <class name>.show(<id>)
  • all: Prints all string representations of all instances based or not on the class name.

    Usage: (hbnb) all

      	(hbnb) all <class name>
      	(hbnb) <class name>.all()
  • destroy: Deletes an instance based on class name and id, saving the change in the JSON file.

    Usage: (hbnb) destroy

      	(hbnb) <class name>.destroy(<id>)
  • update: Updates an instance based on class name and id, by adding or updating an attribute.

    Usage: (hbnb) update ""

      	(hbnb) <class name>.update(<id>, <attribute name>, <attribute value>)
  • count: Displays the number of instances of a given class.

    Usage: (hbnb) .count()

  • help: Displays documentation. If a command is given, it will display information about
    said command, otherwise it will list all commands.

    Usage: (hbnb) help

      	(hbnb) help all
  • quit: exit the console.

    Usage: (hbnb) quit

  • EOF: same behaviour as quit.

Future releases

A list of the features to develop in case we have some extra time:

  • Console updates several attributes of an instance with a given dictionary.

    Usage: .update(, )


If you wish to run at the test for this application, all of the test are located under the test/ folder.

From the root directory can execute all of them by simply running: $ python3 -m unittest discover tests


No known bugs yet.


Micaela Percovich - Roberto Ribeiro

February - 2020