Sphinx Needs Data Explorer

The sphinx_needs_data_explorer is a web application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, offered as a Sphinx extension. Created as a personal open-source project, it enhances the interactivity of Sphinx-generated documentation by enabling users to explore the needs.json data produced by the Sphinx-Needs extension. Users can filter data attributes and view the data in three distinct modes: network-view, table-view , and file-view. Additionally, it supports generating reports in various formats, making it a powerful and flexible tool for analyzing and presenting documentation data.

Goals and Realization


Three Sphinx-Needs Data View Perspectives


In Network-View-Perspective you can see how sphinx-needs data are interconnected in data networks.

You can choose which data context to see - incoming connections from in-neighbours - outgoing connections from out-neighbours - incoming and outgoing connections

You can choose network layout - hierarchical bottom-up - hierarchical right-to-left - hierarchical with repulsion



In Table-View-Perspective you can see sphinx-needs data in table. You can select which columns should be visible and which hidden.



In File-View-Perspective, you can see a list of files in which Sphinx-needs data were found.


Powerfull Interactive Data Filtering

You can predefine filtering expressions during documentation generation or interactively while browsing documentation, and apply the data filtering across all three view perspectives.


You can use attribute lookup table while writing your filters.


Exploring In-Neighbours, Out-Neighbours or both


Visualizing Constraint Violations in Network Transitions


Controlling Neighborhood Depth in Network Visualization


Switching between Perspective Views and Documentation





You can install sphinx-needs-data-explorer with pip

pip install sphinx-needs-data-explorer

Alternatively (Linux)

git clone https://github.com/mi-parkes/sphinx-needs-data-explorer.git
cd sphinx-needs-data-explorer

poetry install
poetry build
poetry run task doc

# you can then install the package in your virtual environment
pip install dist/sphinx_needs_data_explorer*.whl


In your conf.py configuration file, add sphinx_needs_data_explorer to your extensions list. And, please, make sure that sphinx_needs extension is configured to generate needs.json file in the root of your documentation E.g.:

extensions = [
needs_build_json = True

or you can include it only if the extension is available in your virtual environment:

    import sphinx_needs_data_explorer
except ImportError:
needs_build_json = True

If your project uses sphinx_book_theme, sphinx_needs_data_explorer supports full integration in your documentation by adding E header button accesible from any documentation page.


Otherwise, you can create hyperlink to sphinx_needs_data_explorer by adding the following role in your .rst file(s)

:sphinx_needs_data_explorer:`Sphinx Needs Data Explorer Test`


If defined, the following parameters are used for configuration:

  • needs_extra_options - the parameter defines extra sphinx-needs options
  • needs_extra_links - the parameter defines the type links to use when extracting sphinx-needs linkage
  • needs_types - the parameter defines sphinx-needs types and their attributes like node colors

You can predefine filtering expressions to populate the filter drop-down list:

sphinx_needs_data_explorer_config = {
        "['15','16'] in id",
        "title ~ /r.*[0-9]+5'$/i",
        "type != 'req' && incoming==[]",
        "type=='spec' && outgoing!=[] && title ~ /5'$/"

sphinx_needs_data_explorer Help lists all attributes found in your project that can be used for data filtering.


Visualizing Constraint Violations in Network Transitions:

sphinx_needs_data_explorer_config = {
        'need': {
        'feat': {