
notes repo for Meta Intro to Frontend Development

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Template: Frontend

License: MIT

Deploy project to GitHub Pages

Template for frontend projects of newObjects GmbH.

Tools / stack

All tools are defined as dev-dependencies!


There are three ways to get started with this template:

  1. Either use the nobj tool to create a copy of this template ("frontend")
  2. Create a new repository with this repository as template
  3. Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine.

Getting started

We provide a default set of tools via npm scripts. Run a script via

$ npm run <command>

where <command> is one of the following available commands:

Command Description Output
install Installs dependencies -
dev Starts a development server with hot reloading http://localhost:5173
dev:host Starts a development server with hot reloading, listening to all available network interfaces http://localhost:5173,, ...
build Builds the project for production dist
build:gh-pages Builds the project for production (gh-pages) dist
preview Builds the project for production and previews it locally http://localhost:4173
lint Lints the project -
lint:fix Lints the project and fixes errors -
prettier Formats the project -
prettier:fix Formats the project and fixes errors -
format Lints and formats the project and fixes errors -
gh-deploy Builds the project for production (gh-pages) and deploys it to GitHub Pages https://new-objects.github.io/template-frontend/

Environment variables

The following environment variables are used in this project:

  • NODE_ENV: The environment in which the application is running. Possible values are development, test, and production.
  • DEPLOY_ENV: The environment to which the application is deployed. Possible values are "" and gh-pages.