
This library is written for the Alphasense OPC-N3 air qualilty monitoring sensor.

Alphasense OPCN3

Arduino Due

The Alphasense OPCN3 is an Optical Particle counter designed to measure and record air quality data. This implimetation is designed to read particulate mattaer data from the OPCN3 with an Arduino Due. The library can be easilly modified to be used with any Arduino supported device with an SPI interface.

Supported functions:

  • begin() :
  • initialize();
  • setFanDigitalPotShutdownState(bool status);
  • setLaserDigitalPotShutdownState(bool status);
  • setHighLowGainState(bool status);
  • readDACandPowerStatus();
  • readInformationString();
  • readSerialNumber();
  • readFirmwareVersion();
  • readConfigurationVariables();
  • readHistogramData() ;
  • readPMData() ;
  • resetHistogram();

Repository structure

  • /examples - An example sketch desiged to initiate and read alpha sensor data is included here.
  • /src - Source files for the OPCN3Mints library is found here.

On a Nano

Nano OPC OPC Pin Color Nano Pin
Vcc Vcc 1 Red 5V
Sck Sck 2 Yellow D13
MISO SDO 3 Green D12
MOSI SDI 4 Blue D11
Digital Pin SS 5 White D10
Gnd GND 6 Black Gnd