Nash Equilibrium Approach in Non-Zero-Sum Competitive Games


The aim of this project is to explore the applicability and effectiveness of the Nash Equilibrium concept in non-zero-sum competitive games such as Prisoner's dilemma, Battle of the Sexes, Deadlock, etc. By analyzing various game scenarios and implementing Nash equilibrium strategies, the project seeks to prove that the mutual benefits of equilibrium outcomes are superior compared to purely competitive strategies or best outcome actions in long-term competitive interactions.


  1. Introduction to Game Theory:
    • What is Game Theory?
    • Significance and practical applications of Game Theory.
  2. Introduction to Nash Equilibrium:
    • Overview of Nash equilibrium as a solution concept in game theory and previous research.
    • Explanation of Nash Equilibrium's relevance in competitive environments and its implications in the process of strategic decision-making.
  3. Characteristics of Non-Zero-Sum Games:
    • Definition and characteristics of non-zero sum games.
    • Distinction from zero-sum games and implications for strategic interactions.
  4. Mutual Benefits in Non-Zero-Sum Games:
    • How Nash equilibrium strategies can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes in non-zero sum games.
    • Scenarios where cooperation among rational agents yields superior outcomes compared to purely competitive strategies.
  5. Examples of Non-Zero-Sum Competitive Games:
    • Identification of specific game scenarios of non-zero-sum competitive interactions.
    • Description of each game scenario and its strategic dynamics.
  6. Implementation of Nash Equilibrium Strategies:
    • Methodology for implementing Nash equilibrium strategies in non-zero-sum games.
    • Computational techniques and software tools for analyzing equilibrium outcomes.
  7. Simulation Results:
    • Presentation of simulation results for the selected game scenarios.
    • Analysis of equilibrium strategies and outcomes.
  8. Comparison with Alternative Strategies:
    • Comparison of Nash equilibrium strategies with alternative approaches in non-zero-sum games.
    • Evaluation of the effectiveness and robustness of Nash equilibrium solutions.
  9. Implications for Strategic Decision Making:
    • Insights into the practical implications of Nash equilibrium in real-world competitive environments.
    • Recommendations for strategic decision-makers based on the project findings.
  10. Conclusion and Future Directions:
    • Summary of key findings and conclusions drawn from the project.
    • Suggestions for future research directions and potential areas of exploration in non-zero-sum game theory.