
This is meant to be a wrapper around any SQL database (mysql, sqlite, PostgreSQL, etc). It's easy to type and use, and agnostic to any SQL driver you want to use.


The main constructor is DatabaseTable, exported both as a named class and a default. All you need to pass it is the table name, the primary key of the table, and a query function. The query function passes a SQLStatement object in order to ensure sanitization. Optionally, you can pass an options object. For now, the only param this takes is mysql, which tells the class it's a mysql db. The benefit of this is that it will sanitize parameters accordingly (using the `param` syntax that MySQL prefers.)

For example:

import {DatabaseTable} from 'typed-sql-db';
import * as pg from 'pg';

const pool = new pg.Pool(config);

interface DBSchema {
    userid: string; // primary key
    username: string;
    ip: string;
    registertime: Date;
    rank: number;

// table name, primary key id, query function
const db = new DatabaseTable<DBSchema>('users', 'userid', sqlStatement => {
    return pool.query(query.text, query.values);


// Selects one row. Pass the keys you want to select.
// where clause is for optional stuff like ON DUPLICATE KEY
selectOne(entries: string | string[], where?: SQLStatement): Promise<Partial<T> | null>;

// select all results. pass the keys you want to select, with an optional where clause.
selectAll(entries: string | string[], where?: SQLStatement): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;
// select one row matching a primary key. pass the columns you want and the primary key
// value
get(entries: string | string[], keyId: SQLInput): Promise<Partial<T> | null>;
// pass an object of {[key: string]: value you want it set to}.     
updateAll(toParams: Partial<T>, where?: SQLStatement, limit?: number): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;
// see above, but update one row
updateOne(to: Partial<T>, where?: SQLStatement): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;
// delete all rows with a matching WHERE
deleteAll(where?: SQLStatement, limit?: number): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;
// delete one row with a primary key col matching the given key
delete(keyEntry: SQLInput): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;
// delete one row matching the where
deleteOne(where: SQLStatement): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;
// insert one row. colMap is {[key: string]: value you want to insert}.
insert(colMap: Partial<T>, rest?: SQLStatement, isReplace?: boolean): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;
// see above, but REPLACE instead of INSERT
replace(cols: Partial<T>, rest?: SQLStatement): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;
// update the column matching the primary key given with the {[key: string]: value} object.
update(primaryKey: SQLInput, data: Partial<T>): Promise<Partial<T>[]>;